10.0.11 Using the Product Metrics per Contract panel

Starting from version 10.0.11, the All Contracts panel provides an option to navigate to the Product Metrics per Contract panel.

The Product Metrics per Contract panel includes the following features:
  • The panel shows the current metric values for each product that is assigned to a particular Contract.

  • The panel includes an additional Recalculation Pending column which shows the status of recalculation (applicable to all metrics), and an Is Incomplete column which indicates if a metric quantity is not calculated correctly.

    The metric can be incorrectly calculated because of the hardware inventory data from at least one computer is not complete (applicable only to Oracle Processor Core, Microsoft Physical Core with SA, Microsoft Single Physical Processor, Microsoft Dual Physical Processor, and new Microsoft Processor Cores metrics, introduced in BigFix Inventory versions and

    Note: In BigFix Inventory version, Is Incomplete column is applicable only to Microsoft SQL Server Physical Processor Cores metric.

    The below tables shows status of the calculation completeness:
    Status Microsoft SQL Server Physical Processor Cores Microsoft SQL Server Virtual Processor Cores Microsoft Windows Server Physical Processor Core Microsoft Windows Server Virtual Processor Core Microsoft Windows Server Standard Physical Processor Core
    OK Complete Complete Complete Complete Complete
    No Scan Data Incomplete Incomplete Incomplete Incomplete Incomplete
    No Host Scan Data Incomplete Complete Incomplete Complete Incomplete
    No VM Manager Data Incomplete Complete Incomplete Complete Incomplete
    Outdated VM Manager Data Incomplete Complete Incomplete Complete Incomplete
    Not applicable Incomplete Incomplete Incomplete Incomplete Incomplete

    For more information, refer to 10.0.12 Managing Microsoft Processor Core licenses.

  • Depending on the type of a given metric, clicking on a selected product name redirects you to the corresponding Software Classification, Software Users or All Metrics reports. These reports lists all the software instances used for the calculation of this metric. The link is disabled when calculation is disabled for the computer group assigned to the contract, the calculation is not up-to-date, or the metric quantity equals 0.

  • The Product Metrics per Contract panel does not provide the option to set a metric value for not calculated metrics. To set a metric value for not calculated metrics, go to All Metrics reports and further set the value. See also, Setting and removing the declared metric quantity.

    Note: Product name link may not redirect to the target page if the local date and time of your computer is different from the current date and time in UTC. If the problem occurs, change the local date and time to UTC in your computer to open the link.