WebUI IVR Settings

Check the list of BigFix Insights for Vulnerability Remediation (BFIVR) available settings you can change in a configuration file.

Setting name Default value Description
_WebUIAppEnv_INSIGHTS_CONFIG_PATH <BigFix Enterprise Path>\BES WebUI\WebUI\insights_db_connection_config.txt The full path for the configuration file that the broker requires to connect to Insights. This file is automatically created at this location.
_WebUIAppEnv_INSIGHT_BROKER_PORT 52318 The port for the broker to listen on.
_WebUIAppEnv_INSIGHT_BROKER_LOGGING_LEVEL Info You can set up default "Info" to use for debugging and troubleshooting.
_WebUIAppEnv_IVR_CACHE_REFRESH_TIME Default is 24 hours. Minimum: 5 minutes. Value is in milliseconds. How often WebUI retrieves data from the IVR broker.
_WebUIAppEnv_IVR_UPSERT_MAX_TIME Default is 1 hour. Minimum: 5 minutes. Value is in milliseconds. The maximmum time a request to the IVR broker can take during the WebUI retrieval from the IVR broker process.
_WebUIAppEnv_IVR_CSV_UPLOAD_SIZE_LIMIT_MB Default value is 250. Value is in megabytes Size of the file allowed for CSV File Import
_WebUIAppEnv_INSIGHTS_IVR_NEW_DEVICES_LOOKBACK_DAYS Days The number of days to look back to start retrieving vulnerability data for new devices added to Insights. If left unset, the vulnerability data for the new device will be pulled from the Start Date specified when the Rapid 7 datasource was configured.
_WebUIAppEnv_IVR_PROCESS_MEMORY_LIMIT_MB 128 IVR uses a worker process, with the total number of workers calculated as half of the total number of CPUs available (total CPUs/2). This parameter defines the memory limit for each worker process. By default, this value is set to 128, indicating a memory limit of 128MB for each individual worker.