Unmanaged Asset Importer - NMAP
The following options will work as command line arguments to run the importer on its own. For example "UAImporter-NMAP -debugout output.txt -file testfile.xml".
Windows BigFix server
These options are under HKLM\Software\BigFix\Enterprise Server\AssetDiscover\NMAP.
DSN to use for remote databases. Default is bes_bfenterprise.
- "username"[REG_SZ]
SQL user name. Default is nt authentication.
- "password"[REG_SZ]
SQL password. Default is nt authentication.
- "file"[REG_SZ]
Just import this file into the database. The file must be in the format "nmap-NameOfYourChoice-1570442924" where, "nmap" is the prefix and "1570442924" is a timestamp. In the middle, the name you choose.
- "filedirectory"[REG_SZ]
Just import all the files in this directory into the database.
- "port"[REG_SZ]
BigFix port number to use when filtering out assets running the BigFix Client.
- "filteroutclients"[REG_SZ]
Set to 1 to filter out BigFix Clients, 0 to include BigFix Clients. Default is 1.
- "serviceinterval"[REG_SZ]
How many seconds the service should sleep between attempting to import a batch of assets. Default is 300.
- "osfamilyclientexemptions"[REG_SZ]
String of os families; if nmap reports that an asset has one of these families, it will be assumed to not have a client. This is useful if the importer assumes the client is installed because it appears the device is listening on port 52311, but we know for certain the client is not running because it is a printer or some other device type that we do not have a client for. Default is "embedded;IOS;DYNIX".
- "usegmt"[REG_SZ]
Set to 0 for "Scan Time" and "Import Time" to be in terms of server time, 1 for GMT. Default is 0.
- "debugout"[REG_SZ]
If this key points to a file, then the UnmanagedAssetImporter-NMAP will print debug output to that file. The default path to the debug output file is "".
- "filteroutdownhosts"[REG_SZ]
If set to 1, we will not import assets whose state is "down". Default is 1.
- "ignoredeletedassets"[REG_SZ]
If 1, then deleted assets are ignored and do not return on subsequent scans. If 0, deleted assets are restored on re-scan. Default is 1.
Linux BigFix server
These options are in the besclient.config file. For the option definitions, see the section above.
- [Software\BigFix\EnterpriseClient\Settings\Client\_AssetDiscovery_debugout]
- [Software\BigFix\EnterpriseClient\Settings\Client\_AssetDiscovery_file]
- [Software\BigFix\EnterpriseClient\Settings\Client\_AssetDiscovery_filedirectory]
- [Software\BigFix\EnterpriseClient\Settings\Client\_AssetDiscovery_port]
- [Software\BigFix\EnterpriseClient\Settings\Client\_AssetDiscovery_filteroutclients]
- [Software\BigFix\EnterpriseClient\Settings\Client\_AssetDiscovery_serviceinterval]
- [Software\BigFix\EnterpriseClient\Settings\Client\_AssetDiscovery_osfamilyclientexemptions]
- [Software\BigFix\EnterpriseClient\Settings\Client\_AssetDiscovery_usgmt]
- [Software\BigFix\EnterpriseClient\Settings\Client\_AssetDiscovery_filteroutdownhosts]
- [Software\BigFix\EnterpriseClient\Settings\Client\_AssetDiscovery_ignoredeletedassets]