Certificates Policy

Learn how to upload .pem and .der certificates to MDM server and deploy them on MDM endpoints.

About this task

To create or edit certificates policy:


  1. From the WebUI main page, select Apps > MCM.
  2. On the MDM page, click Create Policy.
  3. From the list of policy types, select Certificates. The following page appears.
  4. In the Generic Settings section, do the following:
    1. Enter name and description of the policy.
    2. Select operating system. Additional fields appear when you select the operating system.
    3. In the Assign Policy to Site dropdown, select Master action site.
  5. Under Certificate section do the following:
    1. If you have selected Windows as operating system, select the Certificate Type
    2. Click Add File and select the .pem or .der certificate file.
  6. Click Add Certificate to upload another certificate.
  7. Click Save. Certificate policy is created.