User-Defined Tests
AppScan provides a database of thousands of tests. However, if your web application has issues that are specific to it, or if you want to write your own advisories for fixing issues, you can create your own tests. These tests are saved and included in your AppScan database of tests.
- Filter: What conditions must be met in order to execute the test.
- Modification: What are the changes will be made to the request.
- Validation: What conditions must be met for the test result to be considered positive.
- Click Tools > User-Defined Tests.
The User-Defined Tests dialog box appears, listing tests that have been defined, and their type. The check box next to each test indicates whether or not it is currently enabled in scans.
Option |
Description |
Enable check box |
Select/clear to include/exclude a test from the current scan. |
Click to Export All or Export Selected user-defined tests, and their enabled/cleared status, as a UDT file that can be imported to a different scan. |
Click to import a previously saved UDT file. The tests in the imported file are added to the current list of tests. |
Select a test row (not its check box), and click Edit to open the User-Defined Test wizard to edit the selected test. |
Click to delete the selected test. |
Click to open the User-Defined Test wizard to create a new test. |