Incremental scans

An Incremental scan can save time by utilizing the results of an earlier scan, and testing either
  • New parts of the application and also those parts of the application where an issue was previously found, or
  • Only new parts of the application
An Incremental scan includes a full Explore stage, to discover the current structure of the application and identify what is new compared with the base scan. This is followed by a Test stage that offers the two options above.
Tip: Incremental scanning can be very useful if you want to run frequent and faster scans, but it is recommended to run full scans from time-to-time, in case new bugs occur in previously error-free parts of the site.
To run an incremental scan:
  1. Open a full scan (that is, one that includes both Explore and Test stages) that you want to use as the base for the rescan.
  2. Click File > New scan > Incremental
  3. In the dialog box that appears, select the base scan, and add password if needed.
  4. Select which type of retest option you want to apply to the scan from the following options:
    • Yes, test new parts of the application and also retest for previously found issues
      Note: When retesting for issues that were found in the base scan, only the specific test variants that revealed the vulnerability are sent, so testing is still kept to a minimum.
    • No, test only new parts of the application.
    Note: When you start the scan, unsaved results are discarded, so make sure you save them if needed.
  5. Click Start.
To run an incremental scan from the command line:
Incremental scan results
  • The base scan results are not shown in the user interface, only the results of the Incremental scan, when obtained.
  • Counters on the Application tree and Results list indicate total issues found (a) and total New issues (b), in the format:
    [Issue name] (a) b New
  • The Status bar indicates when the current scan is Incremental.