Set an error page

You can set a page listed in the Explore or Test results as an error page.

Set an error page within the explore results

About this task

You can view the list of URLs that were discovered in the Explore stage in Data view > Pages. If this wrongly lists one of your site's error pages, you can set the page as an error page.


  1. Open the Explore results in Data view.
  2. In the Result pane, click Pages.
  3. Right-click on the URL and click Set as Error Page.
  4. In the Custom Error Page Revalidation dialog box, click Start to confirm the update of the results to include the new definition.
    The URL is added to the Error Page list in the scan configuration and the results are updated to consider the new or updated pages as error pages.

Set an error page within test results

About this task

If an identified issue is a false positive caused by a missing custom error page, you have the option to select the issue and set its response as an error page.


  1. On the Issues: Detail pane, select the issue.
  2. Go to the Request/Response tab
  3. On the vertical three-dot menu, click Set as Error Page.
  4. In the Custom Error Page Revalidation dialog box, click Start to confirm the update of the results to include the new definition.
    The test response content is added to the Error Page list in the scan configuration, and the results are updated to consider the new or updated pages as error pages.