Extension Manager

The Extension Manager allows you to easily add, remove, enable, or disable extensions for use with AppScan.

Extension Manager can be accessed from Tools > Extensions > Extension Manager. It lists all extensions that have been added. You can:
  • Add your own extensions.
  • Enable and disable extensions that are added.
  • Elect to "Trust" unsigned extensions, such as the extensions you created.
Extension manager window displaying the extensions list
Table 1. Elements of Extension Manager



+ Add extension

To add a new extension, click and select the source and click Open.

When a new extension is added it is automatically enabled unless there is a reason AppScan was unable to do this (such as an incompatible version), or the extension is not signed.

Tip: Hover over an extension, to view the vertical three-dot menu .
> View Details Displays the details of the extension.
> Disable extension

Click to disable an extension.

> Remove extension

Click to remove an extension.

Trust button

If an unsigned extension is installed, AppScan does not load it but displays a Trust button next to it. When you open AppScan, a pop-up warns you that there are unsigned extensions that are not enabled. If you are sure the extension can be trusted (for example, if you wrote it yourself), click the Trust button to trust and enable it from now on.