Filtered URLs

These are URLs that AppScan did not visit, because they were filtered out of the Explore: either by standard filters, or by filters you defined when you configured the scan (see Excluded paths and files).

Filtered URLs in the Result List

The Result List shows the URLs that were not explored and provides the Filter Type (the reason why this page was filtered out).

You can view a filtered URL by right-clicking a Filtered URL and then clicking Show in Browser.

The following table lists the main filters that can be configured.
Filter name What it means and how to configure it
Depth Limit The URL was filtered due to the limit configured in Scan Configuration > Explore Options > Scan Limits > Click Depth Limit.
File Extension Filter The extension is one of those listed in Scan Configuration > Exclude Paths and Files > Exclude File Types.
Likely Similar DOM A page that was filtered from the scan because AppScan estimates that the response will have the same structure (DOM) as that of a previously explored page, and will contain no new elements to test. Controlled by Scan Configuration > Explore Options > Main > Filter pages that are likely to be similar based on structure (DOM).
Path Filter The path is one of those listed in Scan Configuration > Exclude Paths and Files > Exclude Paths.
Path Limit The URL was filtered due to the limit configured in Scan Configuration > Explore Options > Scan Limits > Redundant Path Limit.
Similar Body A request (from a page that was not filtered due to Similar DOM) that was filtered from the scan because its response body content is similar to that of a request that was previously explored. Controlled by Scan Configuration > Explore Options > Main > Filter similar pages based on structure (DOM).
Similar DOM A page that was filtered from the scan because its structure (DOM) is similar to that of a previously explored page, and probably contains no new elements to test. Controlled by Scan Configuration > Explore Options > Main > Filter similar pages based on structure (DOM).
Total Visited Links Limit The URL was filtered due to the limit configured in Scan Configuration > Explore Options > Scan Limits > Total Page Limit.
Untested Web Server The domain is different to that of the Starting URL and is not one of the Additional Domain configured in Scan Configuration > URL and Servers > Additional Servers and Domains.

Filtered URLs in the Detail Pane

The Detail Pane offers a link to show the URL in a browser: Show in Browser. This is equivalent to the right-click > Show in Browser in the Result List.

The Request/Response tab shows the request that would have been sent to the URL if it had not been filtered out.