Set up floating license using Cloud or Local License Server

About this task

Your floating license server can be either on the cloud or - if your machine does not have internet access, or if you prefer your own license server instance - it can be local, on a machine in your network.

Proxies and firewalls:

If a proxy is defined in Windows, AppScan will use it when accessing the domain, and if the proxy requires authentication a pop-up will appear and you will need to supply valid credentials.
  • Cloud license servers: AppScan must have access to domain:
  • Local license servers: AppScan must have access to the port that was used to create the local license server. Make sure it is not blocked by the Windows proxy or any firewall.
Note: If AppScan is unable to reach the license server for any reason, the license can be used for up to 3 days "Grace Period" from the last time AppScan was connected to the server.


  1. Log into the HCL Software Portal (Flexnet) using the email address that appears in your invitation. If this is your first login, reset your password.
  2. To see your available licenses: On the navigation bar click Activation & Entitlements > List Entitlements.
  3. Set up the Cloud or Local License Server:
    1. On the navigation bar click Devices > Devices.
    2. On the Devices page, click the Create Device button.
    3. In the New Device dialog box, set the Device Name (for your own reference).
    4. Select the Runs license server? check box.

      The Server Deployment radio buttons appear.

    5. Select Cloud or Local, as applicable.
    6. Leave the Site Name field blank.
    7. Click Save.

      Set up closes and View Server for the new server opens.

  4. Local License Server only: Download the Local License Server:
    1. Click Downloads > Uncategorized Products.
    2. From the list, select the latest version of HCL Local License Server.
      Download packages
    3. Select the zip file suited to your system and click Download Selected Files:
      • "Offline" means the local license server doesn’t require an internet connection
      • “Online” means the local license server requires an internet connection
    4. To set up the server on your machine, follow the instructions in README.PDF, in the zip file you downloaded.
  5. Map licenses to the server:
    1. In the View Server page, copy the Server ID, and save it to use later.
    2. Click Actions > Map Entitlements.
      All available licenses are listed.
      Important: Only licenses with Product Name: “HCL AppScan Standard Edition Floating User Single Install” are valid for use with your license server.
    3. In the Quantity to Add column, type in the number of licenses you want to assign to this server.
    4. Click Save.
  6. Configure the Cloud License Server in AppScan:
    1. In AppScan, click Help > License.
    2. Click Configure License.
    3. Select Cloud License Server or Local License Server, as needed.
    4. Do one of the following:
      • Cloud License Server: Enter the License Server ID you saved.
      • Local License Server: Enter the Local License Server (IP or Host Name), and the port of the Local License Server.
    5. Click OK.
      The license is verified by a green check-mark and confirmation message.
      Note: The Expiration date on AppScan licenses follows UTC date and time.