Content-based view
Lets you define a logical structure for the application tree, for cases where a URL-based tree will just be a long list under one or two URLs. This is not essential, but can make it much easier to navigate results.
- If your site content is structured in such a way that the URLs reflect a folder-like hierarchy, the URL-based application tree will automatically reflect this, making the results easy to navigate.
- If your site uses "breadcrumbs", or other "content-based" navigational methods, so that the URLs do not indicate the user's "location" within the site, it is recommended that you "teach" AppScan® how the site is "logically" structured, so it can present the scan results in an easily understood format, rather than long lists of results under one or two URLs. This is not essential, but will make it easier for you to navigate the results.
For example, the code snippet below has a logical structure Home | Buy | Books and it would be useful to structure the results so that "Books" appears under "Buy", and "Buy" under "Home".
<td class="navigation">
<a href="">Home</a> >
<a href="">Buy</a> >
To do this, you define the rules that will enable AppScan® to identify and extract the relevant content (in this case "Home", "Buy" and "Books") to construct a content-based tree.
Once you have defined the rules, you can select the Content-Based option in the Application Tree, to display the results using this information. (See Issues: Application tree.)