Record the login procedure.
Before you begin
The orange key icon
indicates that the login has not yet been recorded.
On your device, browse to your application's login page.
In AppScan, click
The External Login Recorder opens, and should indicate that it is connected to your external
On your device, log into the application.
When you are logged in, send a different request as a logged in user. This "extra" request
helps AppScan maintain session when testuing the application.
The requests are listed in the External Login Recorder.
In the External Login Recorder, click Stop recording.
Optionally review the list for unnecessary requests (for example, requests to a different
domain), and delete them by selecting and clicking
Click OK to close the recorder.
The green key icon
indicates that in-session status has been detected.
If you select the I want to configure In-Session Detection Options check box, an
additional wizard step, Login Management Details, will open when you click
Next. Select this only if you need to edit the login sequence or activate/deactivate
In-Session detection (see note to previous step).
In the wizard, click Next.
What to do next
Test PolicyIf you selected "I want to configure
In-Session Detection Options", continue to Login Management Details