Right-click menu

The right-click menu in the Security Issues Results List includes the following options:




Change the Severity value for the selected item (select High, Medium, Low, Informational)


Issue state is always Open by default. If for some reason you do not need to relate to certain issues, you can define them as Noise. (Options: Open/Noise)


Resend the selected test and add the result to the scan results

Manual Test

Create a manual test (see Manual tests)


Delete the selected item from the test results (cannot be reinstated)

Set as Non-vulnerable

Set the result as non-vulnerable, so it will not appear in the test results (but can be viewed, and reinstated, from the Non-Vulnerable Variants list, see Non-Vulnerable Variants List)

Report False Positive

Zip and email test information to AppScan® Support or to members of your own organization, see (Report false positive test results)

Generate Issue Information

Populates the Issue Information tab for the selected result only.
Tip: To update Issue Information for all results, select Tools > Generate All Issue Information instead of this option.