Saving bundles to file

You can save a bundle as a file to open in AppScan® Source for Development. A bundle also allows you to import a snapshot of findings from AppScan® Source for Analysis to AppScan® Source for Remediation.


  1. Complete one of these actions:
    1. In the Bundles view, select the bundle and click Save Bundle to File in the toolbar.
    2. Open the bundle and click Save Bundle to File in the toolbar.
  2. Select the directory in which to save the bundle file.
  3. Name the bundle file ( <file_name>.ozbdl ).


To open a saved bundle:

  • In AppScan® Source for Development (Eclipse plug-in), select Security Analysis > Open > Open Bundle.
  • In AppScan® Source for Development (Microsoft Visual Studio plug-in), select HCL AppScan Source > Open Bundle.
  • In AppScan® Source for Analysis, click Open Bundle in the Bundles view toolbar.
Tip: On Windows systems, double-click the bundle file in the Bundles view to open it in AppScan® Source for Analysis or AppScan® Source for Development.