Linux system requirements

Basic Linux system requirements are listed here. For detailed requirements, contact HCL support.


Important: This document is only a high-level summary of system requirements. For important details, including specific component support, please contact HCL Support.

Linux operating system support

Note: As of version 10.0.0, HCL® AppScan® Source requires 64-bit hardware and operating system
Operating system OS minimum OS maximum Product minimum Components Notes
Desktop Server
Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) Server 7 7.3 7.9 10.0.0 Partial Partial Yes

Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) Workstation 7

7.3 7.9 10.0.0 Partial Partial Yes
Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) Server 8 8.3 8.6 10.2.0 Partial Partial Yes
8.8 8.8 10.4.0 Partial Partial Yes
Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) Workstation 8 8.3 8.6 10.2.0 Partial Partial Yes
8.8 8.8 10.4.0 Partial Partial Yes
Note: Linux Notes:
  • Libraries:
    • On Linux, HCL® AppScan® Source requires the installation of specific libraries before installing AppScan® Source. In addition, the Server with GUI environment is required when using an RHEL Server installation.
      To install the libraries, use this command:
      yum install -y glibc.i686 libstdc++.i686  
      yum install -y libnsl-2.28-42.el8_0.1.i686
      The installer will flag any additional libraries needed to run AppScan® Source.
  • RHEL 7.6:

    Users of RHEL 7.6 must update pango packages per .

  • RHEL 7.7:

    RHEL 7.7 is not supported.

  • RHEL 7.8 and 7.9.

    As of version 10.0.4, AppScan® Source supports RHEL versions 7.8 and 7.9.

  • JVM

    64-bit JVM must be installed prior to running the AppScan® Source installer on Linux.

  • Entropy

    AppScan® Source requires a minimum entropy value of 3000, as set in /proc/sys/kernel/random/entropy_avail. See Increase Entropy Value for additional information.


AppScan® Source 10.0.0 supports VMware ESXi 5.0 with a product minimum of 10.0.0 and guest operating system restriction.


Development tools

AppScan® Source requires AppScan® Enterprise version 10.0.0.
Note: AppScan® Source for Analysis, AppScan® Source for Automation and the AppScan® Source Command Line Client require a connection to the AppScan® Enterprise Server. The AppScan® Source for Development plug-ins (for Eclipse - and including Worklight Application Scanning) can be used without the AppScan® Enterprise Server. In server mode, you connect to the server to run scans and access shared data. In local mode, AppScan® Source for Development runs without ever connecting to a server - but you cannot access shared items such as filters, scan configurations, and custom rules. If you are using a floating license in local mode, you must still have a connection to the license server to be able to use AppScan® Source for Development.
Note: When using AppScan® Source for Development version 10.0.8 or older, Eclipse must be configured with Java 8.

To acquire and apply a new AppScan® Source, first obtain the appropriate license through the HCL FlexNet portal, then apply the license using the AppScan Source License Manager. For complete information on licensing for AppScan® Source, see How to obtain and apply licenses for AppScan Source products.

Installation prerequisites

AppScan® Source provides a graphical installer only for Linux. The graphical installer requires the installation of libraries as noted above in Operating system support, that the $DISPLAY environment variable is set properly to a valid display, and relevant XWindows libraries.
Note: It is possible to install on Linux using a .properties response file and silent install.

Supported software

Application servers

Supported software Version Supported software minimum Product minimum Components Operating system restrictions? Notes
Desktop Server
Apache Tomcat 8.0 and future fixpacks 8.0 10.0.0 Partial Partial No Yes
9.0 and future fixpacks 9.0 10.1.0 Partial Partial No Yes
Oracle WebLogic Server 12c (12.0) and future fixpacks (12.0) 10.0.0 Partial Partial No Yes
Oracle WebLogic Server 12cR1 (12.1.1) and future fixpacks (12.1.1) 10.0.0 Partial Partial No Yes
(12.1.2) and future fixpacks (12.1.2) 10.0.0 Partial Partial No Yes
Oracle/BEAWebLogic Server 10.3 (10.3.1) 10.0.0 Partial Partial No Yes
Oracle WebLogic Server 19c (19.0) and future fixpacks (19.0) 10.0.0 Partial Partial No Yes
WebSphere Application Server 7.0 7.0 10.0.0 Partial Partial No Yes
8.0 8.0 10.0.0 Partial Partial No Yes
8.5 8.5 10.0.0 Partial Partial No Yes
9.0 9.0 10.6.0 Partial Partial No Yes
Note: Java EE Application Server OS support is dependent on the OS supported by the application server.

Compilers and languages

HCL® AppScan® Source for Analysis, HCL® AppScan® Source for Automation, and the HCL® AppScan® Source command line interface (CLI) support scanning these languages:
Supported software Version Supported software minimum Product minimum Components Operating system restrictions Notes
Desktop Server
Angular 8 and future fix packs All versions 10.0.2 Partial None No
9 and future fix packs All versions 10.0.2 Partial Nonw No
Android Java All versions and future fix packs All versions 10.0.3 Partial None No
AngularJS (as part of JavaScript support All versions and future fix packs All versions 10.0.0 Partial None No 14
Apex API 30 and future fix packs 30 10.0.0 Partial Partial No
ASP All version and future fix packs All versions 10.0.0 Partial None No
ASP.NET All version and future fix packs All versions 10.0.0 Partial None No
Apache Tomcat 8.0 and future fix packs 8.0 10.0.0 Partial Partial No 3
9.0 and future fix packs 9.0 10.1.0 Partial Partial No 3
C/C++ 11 All versions 10.0.0 Partial None No 8, 16, 17
COBOL All versions and future fix packs All versions 10.0.0 Partial None No 14
ColdFusion All versions and future fix packs All versions 10.0.0 Partial None No 14
Django All versions and future fix packs All versions 10.0.7 Partial None No

GNU C Compiler (gcc) and g ++

4.1 and future fix packs

4.1 10.0.0 Partial Partial No
Groovy All versions and future fix packs All versions 10.0.2 Partial None No
IBM Runtime Environment, Java Technology Edition 5.0 5.0 10.0.0 Partial Partial No 1
6.0 6.0 10.0.0 Partial Partial No 1
7.0 7.0 10.0.0 Partial Partial No 1
8 8 10.0.0 Partial Partial No 4
IBM RPG All versions and future fix packs All versions 10.0.7 Partial Partial No
Infrastructure as Code (IaC) All versions and future fix packs All versions 10.0.4 Partial Partial No
Ionic All versions and future fix packs All versions 10.0.3 Partial None No
Java (including support for Android APIs) 7.0 and future fix packs All versions 10.0.0 Partial None No 7, 11, 16
8.0 and future fix packs All versions 10.0.0 Partial None No 7, 11, 16
9.0 and future fix packs All versions 10.0.4 Partial None No 7, 11, 16
10.0 and future fix packs All versions 10.0.4 Partial None No 7, 11, 16
11.0 and future fix packs All versions 10.0.4 Partial None No 7, 11, 16
17.0 and future fix packs All versions 10.1.0 Partial None No 7, 11, 16
JavaScript (including support for AngularJS, Node.js, and ReactJS) All versions and future fix packs All versions 10.0.0, 10.0.1 Partial None No 14, 16
JavaServer Pages All versions and future fix packs All versions 10.0.0 Partial None No 5
Kotlin All versions and future fix packs All versions 10.0.1 Partial None No
Microsoft Visual Basic 6 and future fix packs 6 10.0.0 No 12
Node.js (as part of JavaScript support) All versions and future fix packs All versions 10.0.0 Partial None No 14
Objective C All versions and future fix packs All versions 10.0.3 Partial None No 16

Oracle Java SDK/JRE/JDK

7.0 and future fix packs 7.0 10.0.0 Partial Partial No 1

Oracle WebLogic Server 12c

(12.0) and future fix packs (12.0) 10.0.0 Partial Partial No 3

Oracle WebLogic Server 12cR1

(12.1.1) and future fix packs (12.1.1) 10.0.0 Partial Partial No 3
(12.1.2) and future fix packs (12.1.2) 10.0.0 Partial Partial No 3

Oracle/BEA WebLogic Server

9 and future fix packs 9 10.0.0 Partial Partial No 10
10.3 (10.3.1) 10.0.0 Partial Partial No 3
PHP 5.5 and future fix packs 5.5 9.0.3. Partial None No 9
5.6 and future fix packs 5.6 Partial None No 9
7.0 and future fix packs 7.0 Partial None No 9
PL/SQL All versions and future fix packs All versions 10.0.0 Partial None No 14
Perl All versions and future fix packs All versions 10.0.0 Partial None No 14
Python 2.7 and future fix packs 2.7 10.0.0 Partial None No
3.6 and future fix packs 3.6 10.0.0 Partial None No
React Native All versions and future fix packs All versions 10.0.3 Partial None No
ReactJS (as part of JavaScript support) All versions and future fix packs All versions 10.0.1 Partial None No 14, 15
Ruby 5 and future fix packs 5 10.0.0 Partial Partial No
Rust All versions and future fix packs All versions 10.3.0 Partial Partial No
SAP ABAP All versions and future fix packs All versions 10.0.3 Partial None No
Scala All versions and future fix packs All versions 10.0.1 Partial None No


5.0/1.5 and future fix packs 5.0/1.5 10.0.0 Partial Partial No 1
6.0/1.6 and future fix packs 6.0/1.6 10.0.0 Partial Partial No 1
Swift All versions and future fix packs All versions 10.0.1 Partial None No
Symfony All versions and future fix packs All versions 10.0.2 Partial None No
T-SQL All versions and future fix packs All versions 10.0.0 Partial None No 14
Terraform All versions and future fix packs All versions 10.0.8 Partial None No
TypeScript All versions and future fix packs All versions 10.0.2 Partial None No
VB.NET All versions and future fix packs All versions 10.0.0 No
Vue.js All versions and future fix packs All versions 10.0.3 Partial None No

WebSphere Application Server

7.0 7.0 10.0.0 Partial Partial No 3
8.0 8.0 10.0.0 Partial Partial No 3
8.5 8.5 10.0.0 Partial Partial No 3
9.0 9.0 10.6.0 Partial Partial No 3
Xamarin All versions and future fix packs All versions 10.0.3 Partial None No
The AppScan® Source for Development Eclipse Plug-in (which can be applied to HCL® MobileFirst Platform Foundation or Eclipse supports scanning Java (including support for Android APIs), JavaServer Pages (JSP), and IBM® MobileFirst Platform projects.
  • MobileFirst Platform project scan support includes: Native client-side Android and iOS source code, in addition to most user-written JavaScript client-side code. MobileFirst Platform web applications can also be scanned.
  • MobileFirst Platform project scan support does not include: Server-side JavaScript code such as MobileFirst Platform Adapter code.
Note: Compilers and languages notes:
  1. Java compiler.
  2. Language can be scanned in HCL® AppScan® Source for Analysis, HCL® AppScan® Source for Development (Eclipse Plug-in), HCL® AppScan® Source for Automation, and the HCL® AppScan® Source command line interface. Objective-C in Xcode projects. All iOS applications, including those that are configured to run as 32-bit and 64-bit, are scanned as 32-bit.
  3. Java EE Application Server OS support is dependent on the OS supported by the application server.
  4. Java compiler
  5. Language can be scanned in HCL® AppScan® Source for Analysis, HCL® AppScan® Source for Development (Eclipse Plug-in), HCL® AppScan® Source for Automation, and the HCL® AppScan® Source command line interface.
  6. Language can be scanned in HCL® AppScan® Source for Analysis, HCL® AppScan® Source for Development (Eclipse Plug-in), HCL® AppScan® Source for Automation, and the HCL® AppScan® Source command line interface.
  7. Language can be scanned in HCL® AppScan® Source for Analysis, HCL® AppScan® Source for Development (Eclipse Plug-in), HCL® AppScan® Source for Automation, and the HCL® AppScan® Source command line interface. Including support for Android APIs.
  8. Language can be scanned in HCL® AppScan® Source for Analysis, HCL® AppScan® Source for Development (Eclipse Plug-in), HCL® AppScan® Source for Automation, and the HCL® AppScan® Source command line interface.
  9. Language can be scanned in HCL® AppScan® Source for Analysis, HCL® AppScan® Source for Automation, and the HCL® AppScan® Source command line interface.
  10. Java EE Application Server OS support is dependent on the OS supported by the application server. WebLogic Server 8 is also supported.
  11. Language can be scanned in HCL® AppScan® Source for Analysis, HCL® AppScan® Source for Development (Eclipse Plug-in), HCL® AppScan® Source for Automation, and the HCL® AppScan® Source command line interface. Including support for Android APIs.
  12. HCL® AppScan® Source supports C++14 language standard mode (/std:c++14) and C++17 language standard mode (/std:c++17).
  13. Language can be scanned in HCL® AppScan® Source for Analysis, HCL® AppScan® Source for Development (Eclipse Plug-in), HCL® AppScan® Source for Automation, and the HCL® AppScan® Source command line interface. Objective-C in Xcode projects. All iOS applications, including those that are configured to run as 32-bit and 64-bit, are scanned as 32-bit.
  14. Language can be scanned in HCL® AppScan® Source for Analysis, HCL® AppScan® Source for Automation, and the HCL® AppScan® Source command line interface.
  15. ReactJS is supported beginning with HCL® AppScan® Source version 10.0.1.
  16. HCL® AppScan® Source supports source code-only scanning for C/C++, Objective-C, and Java.
  17. Includes support for Makefile and GNUMakefile in source code-only scanning for C/C++.


Important: Beginning with HCL® AppScan® Source version 10.0.2, Oracle databases are supported only in upgrade scenarios. New installations are not supported.
Supported software Version Prerequisite minimum Product minimum Components Operating system restrictions Notes
Desktop Server

Oracle Database 11g Standard/Enterprise Editions

Release 1 and future fix packs

Release 1 10.0.0 Partial Partial 1 Yes

Oracle Database 12c Release 1

( Standard Edition

( Standard Edition TWO 10.0.0 Partial Partial 2 Yes

( Enterprise Edition

( Enterprise Edition

10.0.0 Partial Partial 2 Yes
  1. Oracle 11g 32-bit only. Supported External Database
  2. Supported External Database

Development tools

Supported software Version Supported software minimum Product minimum Component support Operating system restrictions Notes
Desktop Server
Eclipse 4.24 4.24 10.1.0 Partial Partial No 1, 2, 3
4.25 4.25 10.3.0 Partial Partial No 1, 2, 3
4.26-4.31 4.26-4.31 10.6.0 Partial Partial No

MobileFirst Platform Foundation

6.3 6.3 10.0.0 Partial Partial No 4
7.0 7.0 10.0.0 Partial Partial No 4
7.1 7.1 10.0.0 Partial Partial No 4
Note: Development tools notes:
  1. IBM Eclipse SDK 3.8 is also supported. HCL® AppScan® Source for Development (Eclipse Plug-in) can be applied to the IBM Eclipse SDK. Java/JSP projects and workspaces (containing Java/ JSP projects) from Eclipse SDK are supported in HCL® AppScan® Source for Analysis, HCL® AppScan® Source for Automation, and the HCL® AppScan® Command Line Client. HCL® AppScan® Source for Development supports scanning Java (including Android), JavaServer Pages (JSP), and Worklight/MobileFirst Platform projects in supported Eclipse version workspaces. Worklight/MobileFirst Platform project scan support includes: Native client-side Android and iOS source code, in addition to most user-written JavaScript client-side code. Worklight/MobileFirst Platform project scan support does not include: Server-side JavaScript code such as Worklight/MobileFirst Platform Adapter code.
  2. HCL® AppScan® Source for Development (Eclipse Plug-in) can be applied to the IBM Eclipse SDK. Java/JSP projects and workspaces (containing Java/JSP projects) from IBM Eclipse SDK are supported in HCL® AppScan® Source for Analysis, HCL® AppScan® Source for Automation, and the HCL® AppScan® Command Line Client. HCL® AppScan® Source for Development supports scanning Java (including Android), JavaServer Pages (JSP), and Worklight/MobileFirst Platform projects in supported Eclipse version workspaces. Worklight/MobileFirst Platform project scan support includes: Native client-side Android and iOS source code, in addition to most user-written JavaScript client-side code. Worklight/MobileFirst Platform project scan support does not include: Server-side JavaScript code such as Worklight/MobileFirst Platform Adapter code.
  3. HCL® AppScan® Source for Development (Eclipse Plug-in) can be applied to the IBM Eclipse SDK. Java/JSP projects and workspaces (containing Java/JSP projects) from IBM Eclipse SDK are supported in HCL® AppScan® Source for Analysis, HCL® AppScan® Source for Automation, and the HCL® AppScan® Command Line Client. HCL® AppScan® Source for Development supports scanning Java (including Android), JavaServer Pages (JSP), and Worklight/MobileFirst Platform projects in supported Eclipse version workspaces. Worklight/MobileFirst Platform project scan support includes: Native client-side Android and iOS source code, in addition to most user-written JavaScript client-side code. Worklight/MobileFirst Platform project scan support does not include: Server-side JavaScript code such as Worklight/MobileFirst Platform Adapter code.
  4. IBM MobileFirst Platform projects in supported Eclipse version workspaces can be scanned. Scan support includes: Native client-side Android and iOS source code, in addition to most user-written JavaScript client- side code. Scan support does not include: Server-side JavaScript code such as MobileFirst Platform Adapter code. To be able to scan Android code in your IBM MobileFirst Platform projects, you must use the Android Developer Tools (ADT) Eclipse plug-in for Android application development.

Hardware requirements

Hardware Components Requirement Applicable operating systems
Disk space Desktop:
  • AppScan® Source Command Line Client
  • AppScan® Source for Analysis
  • AppScan® Source for Automation Client
  • AppScan® Source for Development Eclipse plug-in
  • HCL® MobileFirst Platform Application Scanning
  • AppScan® Source for Automation Server

Approximately 15 GB of available drive space. Additional space may be required when scanning large applications. This includes additional space that may be required to accommodate files that are written to your AppScan Source data directory. 1

To clear space in your AppScan Source data directory:
  1. Locate the logs\ subdirectory
  2. Delete StaticAnalyzer-Errors.log and StaticAnalyzer-Errors.en.log. New versions of these files will be created again the next time you scan.

If needed, you can also change your AppScan Source data directory by following the instructions in the Changing the AppScan Source data directory. Large applications that require long scan times can overflow your drive. If you receive an error message regarding storage or drive space, you may need to scan parts of your application separately or alter your scan configuration. Sample error message: Skipping project <project_name> due to error: Thread creation failure ( <OS_error_message - for example:

Not enough storage is available to process this command.> ).
Note: When the scan completes, original drive space will be returned. Before scanning this project again, allocate more space or change the configuration of your scan.

All supported Linux operating systems

Media (CD, DVD) Drives

  • AppScan® Source Command Line Client
  • AppScan® Source for Analysis
  • AppScan® Source for Automation Client
  • AppScan® Source for Development Eclipse plug-in
  • HCL® MobileFirst Platform Application Scanning
  • AppScan® Source for Automation Server

CD-ROM or DVD-ROM drive

All supported Linux operating systems

Memory Desktop:
  • AppScan® Source Command Line Client
  • AppScan® Source for Analysis
  • AppScan® Source for Automation Client
  • AppScan® Source for Development Eclipse plug-in
  • HCL® MobileFirst Platform Application Scanning
  • AppScan® Source for Automation Server

8 GB of RAM is required.

All supported Linux operating systems

Network: adapters, drivers, protocols

  • AppScan® Source for Development Eclipse plug-in
  • HCL® MobileFirst Platform Application Scanning

If running in server mode, network connectivity to Security AppScan Enterprise Server.

Network connectivity to Security AppScan Enterprise Server.

All supported Linux operating systems

Processor Desktop:
  • AppScan® Source Command Line Client
  • AppScan® Source for Analysis
  • AppScan® Source for Automation Client
  • AppScan® Source for Automation Server


All supported Linux operating systems

  • AppScan® Source Command Line Client
  • AppScan® Source for Analysis
  • AppScan® Source for Automation Client
  • AppScan® Source for Development Eclipse plug-in
  • HCL® MobileFirst Platform Application Scanning
  • AppScan® Source for Automation Server
  1. If you install AppScan® Source across multiple volumes, additional space is required. Allow at least 9 GB of space for user data files on a volume separate from application files. See Changing the AppScan Source data directory for information on speecifying an alternate location for AppScan® Source user data.


System requirements for containerization can best be expressed by the following formulas based on the minimum system requirements for AppScan® Source:
Hardware Formula Example
Disk space 15GB + (number of container instances * 5GB) Four containers require 35GB disk space: 15+(4*5)
RAM 8GB + (number of container instances * 9GB) Four containers require 44gb RAM: 8+(4*9)
CPU 2 CPU + (number of container instances * 2CPU) Four containers require 10 CPUs: 2+(4*2)


This report is subject to the Terms of Use and the following disclaimers:

The information contained in this report is provided for informational purposes only. While efforts were made to verify the completeness and accuracy of the information contained in this publication, it is provided AS IS without warranty of any kind, express or implied, including but not limited to the implied warranties of merchantability, non-infringement, and fitness for a particular purpose. In addition, this information is based on HCL's current product plans and strategy, which are subject to change by HCL without notice. HCL shall not be responsible for any direct, indirect, incidental, consequential, special or other damages arising out of the use of, or otherwise related to, this report or any other materials. Nothing contained in this publication is intended to, nor shall have the effect of, creating any warranties or representations from HCL or its suppliers or licensors, or altering the terms and conditions of the applicable license agreement governing the use of HCL software.

References in this report to HCL products, programs, or services do not imply that they will be available in all countries in which HCL operates. Product release dates and/or capabilities referenced in this presentation may change at any time at HCL's sole discretion based on market opportunities or other factors, and are not intended to be a commitment to future product or feature availability in any way. The underlying database used to support these reports is refreshed on a weekly basis. Discrepancies found between reports generated using this web tool and other HCL documentation sources may or may not be attributed to different publish and refresh cycles for this tool and other sources. Nothing contained in this report is intended to, nor shall have the effect of, stating or implying that any activities undertaken by you will result in any specific sales, revenue growth, savings or other results. You assume sole responsibility for any results you obtain or decisions you make as a result of this report.

Notwithstanding the Terms of Use, users of this site are permitted to copy and save the reports generated from this tool for such users own internal business purpose. No other use shall be permitted.