

The ounce:report goal generates a report from an assessment. If you do not specify an existing assessment, ounce:report runs ounce:scan before generating the report. Run ounce:report from the command line.

Specify the report parameters described in reportType Values and reportOutputType Values. If you specify the reportType, you must also specify reportOutputType and reportOutputPath. You can also choose to include remediation information in the report.

reportType Values

  • A Findings report:
    • Findings
    • Findings by Fix Group
    • Findings by Type
    • Findings by Classification
    • Findings by File
    • Findings by API
    • Findings by Bundle
    • Findings by CWE
    • DTS Activity
  • An AppScan® Source report:
    • 2021 CWE Top 25 Most Dangerous Software Weaknesses
    • DISA Application Security and Development STIG V5R1
    • DISA Application Security and Development STIG V5R3
    • OWASP API Security Top 10 2023
    • OWASP API Security Top 10 2019
    • OWASP Mobile Top 10
    • OWASP Top 10 2017
    • OWASP Top 10 2021
    • PCI Data Security Standard V3.2
    • Software Security Profile
  • A custom report, if available.

reportOutputType Values

  • Specify one of the following formats for this report:
    • html: Generates the report as HTML and displays it online.
    • zip: Creates a ZIP file that contains all HTML report components.
  • For reports in PDF format, you can specify the level of detail:
    • pdf-summary: Contains counts for each custom report group
    • pdf-detailed: Contains counts for each API for each vulnerability property
    • pdf-comprehensive: Contains tables consisting of every finding for every API
    • pdf-annotated: Contains all findings, any notes included with the findings, and designated code snippets
    • pdf-annotated: Generates an annotated report as a PDF file.

Remediation information

Include How to Fix information in the report for remediation of findings:
  • Command line variable:
  • Example: