Changing the AppScan® Source data directory

You may want to change the location of the AppScan® Source data directory for the purpose of managing hard disk space. You can change the location after AppScan® Source installation by following the steps in this topic.

Before you begin

Before completing this task, ensure that all AppScan® Source client applications have been exited or shut down. AppScan® Source client applications include:

  • AppScan® Source for Analysis
  • AppScan® Source for Development (Eclipse or Visual Studio plug-in)(supported only on Windows and Linux)
  • AppScan® Source command line interface (CLI)
  • AppScan® Source for Automation

In addition, if you have installed AppScan® Source for Automation, ensure that the Automation Server has been shut down:

  • On Windows, stop the HCL AppScan Source Automation service.
  • On Linux, issue this command: /etc/init.d/ounceautod stop


  1. Define an APPSCAN_SOURCE_SHARED_DATA=<data_dir> environment variable, where <data_dir> is the location in which you want AppScan® Source data to be stored.
    • The <data_dir> location must be a complete and absolute path that already exists on the same machine as your AppScan® Source installation.
    • The <data_dir> directory name can only contain English characters. Folders with names containing non-English characters are not permitted.
  2. Locate the default data directory that was created when AppScan® Source was installed (see Default AppScan Source data directory to learn about default data directory locations).
  3. Copy or move the contents of the default data directory to the <data_dir> location that is specified in the environment variable.
  4. Applies only to AppScan® Source for Automation installed on Linux:
    1. Edit the /etc/init.d/ounceautod file.
    2. Locate this line,
      su - ounce -c 
      'export LD_LIBRARY_PATH="/opt/HCL/AppScan_Source/bin":$LD_LIBRARY_PATH && 
      cd "/opt/HCL/AppScan_Source/bin" && 
      "/opt/HCL/AppScan_Source/bin/ounceautod" -s' >> 
      "/var/opt/hcl/appscansource/logs/ounceautod_output.log" 2>&1 &

      and replace it with this:

      su - ounce -c 
      'export APPSCAN_SOURCE_SHARED_DATA=<new data directory path here> && 
      export LD_LIBRARY_PATH="/opt/HCL/AppScan_Source/bin":$LD_LIBRARY_PATH && 
      cd "/opt/HCL/AppScan_Source/bin" && 
      "/opt/HCL/AppScan_Source/bin/ounceautod" -s' >> 
      "<new data directory path here>/logs/ounceautod_output.log" 2>&1 &
      Note: The above command is one line.
    3. Save the /etc/init.d/ounceautod file.

What to do next

If you have installed AppScan® Source for Automation, start the Automation Server:
  • On Windows, start the HCL AppScan Source Automation service.
  • On Linux, issue this command: /etc/init.d/ounceautod start