Scan menu

From the Scan menu, you manage scans of a selected application, folder, project, or file.

Table 1. Scan menu
Menu item Description Keyboard shortcut
Scan All Applications Scan all applications. The scan will run with the default scan configuration.
Scan All Folders Scan all folders. The scan will run with the default scan configuration.
Scan Selection Scan the selected application, folder, project, or file. The scan will run with the default scan configuration. F4
Scan Again Re-scan assessment targets. The last scan configuration that was use to scan the item (or selected items) will be used again for the scan.
Cancel Scan Terminates the scan and does not produce any results.
Stop Scan Halts the scan and produces partial results.
Build Configuration The configuration defines the project build parameters, such as preprocessor definitions or include paths. Typically, a configuration named Release or Debug appears from an imported project.

This menu item is disabled when it is not applicable.