Searching for every occurrence of an item in all findings


  1. Select the view in which to search.
  2. Select Edit > Find from the main menu (in AppScan® Source for Development (Eclipse plug-in), select Edit > Find/Replace or in AppScan Source for Development (Visual Studio plug-in), click the Search button on a view with findings).
    Search Findings dialog box
  3. Type a search string in the Search Findings dialog box.
  4. Search for the string in a Bundle, Code, CWE, File, Project, Type, or All. The matching findings appear in the Search Results view.

    Select Case-sensitive to search for case-sensitive text.

    If you are using AppScan Source for Analysis or AppScan Source for Development (Eclipse Plug-in), select Return only findings that do not match the criteria to return those findings that do not correspond to the search criteria.