Naming projects

You can name a project using the default naming convention or by creating a project name manually.

Default project naming

The Ounce/Ant default naming scheme allows for the generation of unique project names.

  • <directory>: Name of the project directory (does not include full path)
  • <target name>: Name of the current target
  • <number>: An integer that begins at 1 and increments as necessary to guarantee that it is unique. Note that <number> appears only if there is a conflict.


With the following parameters, the project name becomes test_compile. If two projects are created in the compile target, the second project name becomes test_compile_1.

<working_directory> = C:\mydir\test
<directory> = test
<target_name> = compile

Naming projects manually

If you create a project with ounceCreateProject, you can use the name attribute to specify a project name. If the name attribute is not specified, or you create projects using javac, the AppScan® Source task looks at the ounce.project_name property, and if set, it uses the value as the project name. Therefore, the ounce.project_name property can be set using var before each call to the javac task, providing a unique name to every project created.