Submitting findings to Rational ClearQuest
Findings integrate with your corporate defect tracking system for developer remediation. You can send individual findings to your defect tracking system - or you can submit bundles with one or more findings. The first time you submit a finding from AppScan® Source to Rational® ClearQuest® during an AppScan Source session, you must log in with your user name and password.
When you submit a bundle to Rational ClearQuest, the bug number associates with the specific findings in the bundle, rather than the bundle itself. This ensures that you can manipulate the bundle further while preserving the specific findings associated with the defect at the time of defect creation.
A bundle can contain many findings. You have the option of submitting all findings as one defect or submitting each finding as a separate defect. If you select the Single defect per finding preference and multiple findings exist, you can edit the Description for those defects. You can only edit the Description of a single defect submission.