details (det)


List the assessment details for the current object.

Retrieve details about a current assessment or an assessment selected by Assessment ID. Use listassess (la) to get a list of assessments and their IDs.

Tip: Use the log command to turn on logging before using the details command. You can generate a log file in comma-delimited text (.csv) format that Microsoft™ Excel or another program that accepts CSV data can open.


details [id]

id: Object ID for an assessment from the current session. If an ID is not specified, details are displayed (or sent to a log file) for the most recent assessment.


To display the details of the most recent assessment:

AllApplications\Myapps>> details
File, line, col, name, type, severity, confidence
, 119
, 0
, java.lang.Throwable.printStackTrace
, Vulnerability.Info
, 3-SeverityType_info
, 3-ConfidenceType_low
, 625
, 0
, java.lang.String.equalsIgnoreCase
, Vulnerability.Info
, 3-SeverityType_info
, 3-ConfidenceType_low

	Total Call Sites: 1283
	Total Definitive Security Findings with High Severity: 10
	Total Definitive Security Findings with Medium Severity: 15
	Total Definitive Security Findings with Low Severity: 53
	Total Suspect Security Findings with High Severity: 24
	Total Suspect Security Findings with Medium Severity: 25
	Total Suspect Security Findings with Low Severity: 6
	Total Scan Coverage Findings with High Severity: 123
	Total Scan Coverage Findings with Medium Severity: 69
	Total Scan Coverage Findings with Low Severity: 56
	Total Lines: 17197
	Max V-Density: 929.8482293423273
	Max V/kloc: 22.155027039599933
	V-Density: 929.8482293423273
	V/kloc: 22.155027039599933