Troubleshooting glass box scanning
This table lists glass box scanning error messages that might appear if AppScan® is unable to work with the glass box agent on the selected server, and possible user responses to them.
Message | Explanation and possible user actions |
Unable to connect to agent | AppScan cannot reach the server. Either the URL is incorrect, the glass box agent application (GBootStrap) is not running, or the server is down. |
Incorrect agent address | The URL leads to a site that is not the glass box agent application (GBootStrap) root. Verify the URL. By default it is of the format: http://:<server_name>:<port_number>/GBootStrap/ |
Agent not running on server | The glass box agent is not instrumented on the
specified server. Possible solutions:
Credentials needed | Given credentials are incorrect. Supply the username and password that were defined during the glass box agent installation. |
AppScan version older than agent version | The version of AppScan is not up to date. Install the latest version of AppScan. |
Agent version older than AppScan version | Possibilities:
Agent rules older than AppScan rules | Glass box agent rules are out of date.
Restart web application server | Glass box agent rules were updated. Now the server must be restarted to load the new instrumentation rules. |
Glass box agent JAR file version is older than AppScan version | You might have not restarted the server after installing the agent. Try restarting the server. If this does not help, reinstall the glass box agent. |