Creating a scan job based on templates

This REST service will create a scan job and an associated report pack based on a specific template. The name and description fields are supplied to the server using POST data.

HTTPS method


Service format

To create a job and report pack in the root folder: /services/folderitems?templateid=<id>

To create a job and report pack in a specific folder: /services/folders/<folderId>/folderitems?templateid=<id>

Query string parameters

  • (Required) templateid: the scan template ID (See Retrieving a list of templates.)
    Note: The "templateid" must be a valid ID that you have access to in the Templates directory or any of its subfolders.
  • (Optional) appid: the application ID. Used to associate the job with an application.

POST data

Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded

name: the name of the scan

description: the description of the scan

payload: This is an optional data. This is needed only for the featurePosting AppScan Enterprise job results asynchronously to the configured endpoint URL. Find more information, refer


The new content scan job and report pack XML that were created.



POST /services/folderitems?templateid=<templateId>&appid=<appid>

name=<name of scan>&description=<description>


     <name>new scan A</name>
     <description>a new scan called A</description>
     <parent href="https://localhost/ase/services/folders/1">
     <contact>Bill Smith</contact>
     <options href="https://localhost/ase/services/folderitems/56/options" />
     <name>new scan A</name>
     <description>a new scan called A</description>
     <parent href="https://localhost/ase/services/folders/1" />
     <contact>Bill Smith</contact>
     <reports href="https://localhost/ase/services/folderitems/57/reports">

Refer to documented schema for more details.

What to do next

Configuring job options