Installing HCL AppScan Enterprise in silent mode

You can install AppScan Enterprise in silent mode on a target system, without any manual interventions, by running the executable command line that is programmed to automatically install or configure the package. The silent installation involves a non-interactive technique where parameters defined in these predefined command line validates and runs the installation steps automatically. After the installation and configuration, you can verify the installation error codes captured during the installation process in a log file.

Before you begin

  • You must be an Administrator to install the AppScan Enterprise in silent mode.
  • You must stop all the scans that are currently running and monitoring on the AppScan Enterprise server that you are upgrading.

About this task

This section helps you to install or upgrade your AppScan Enterprise Server to the latest version in the silent mode using an installation command line. In the event of silent mode installation failure, you can modify the installation command line by replacing its parameter, and then run the modified command line to record installation error.

You must use the following installation command line to install or upgrade the AppScan Enterprise server to the latest version in silent mode:

C:\AppScan\AppScanEnterpriseServerSetup_10.6.0.exe /s /v"ALLUSERS=1 /qn REBOOT=Suppress

When you run the silent installation of the AppScan Enterprise application, the parameter /qn in the installation command line disables all the user prompt notification that may possibly interrupt the installation process. However, if the installation is not successful, then replace the parameter /qn with /qr in the command line and run the modified command line to record the installation failure errors. You must resolve these errors and then rerun the installation command line again to complete the AppScan Enterprise application installation.

You can record errors causing silent installation to fail by modifying and running the installation command line as follows:

C:\AppScan\AppScanEnterpriseServerSetup_10.6.0.exe /s /v"ALLUSERS=1 /qn REBOOT=Suppress

Where, the /qn parameter in the installation command line is replaced with /qr parameter, which explores the silent installation failure errors upon running the modified command line.


  1. Log in to the server as an administrator where you are installing or upgrading the AppScan Enterprise server application.
  2. Download the installer package to the server directory path.
    Note: The format of the installer file name is AppScanEnterpriseServerSetup_<<version>>.exe. For example, the installer packages file name for AppScan Enterprise version 10.6.0 is AppScanEnterpriseServerSetup_10.6.0.exe.
  3. Copy the installer packager file to C:\AppScan folder.
  4. Open the command prompt window.
  5. Enter the C:\AppScan\AppScanEnterpriseServerSetup_10.6.0.exe /s /v"ALLUSERS=1 /qn REBOOT=Suppress command line at the command prompt and press [Enter] to run the installation in silent mode.
    Note: When you run the installation command line, its parameter /qn suppresses all the probable installation errors, which may occur in the installation due process. In this scenario, error notification are not displayed on forefront because of which the installation failure goes unnoticed.
    You must identify and resolve all such errors before you rerun the installation process again to complete the installation.
    1. Modify the installation command line by replacing the parameter \qn with \qr command line as follows:
      C:\AppScan\AppScanEnterpriseServerSetup_10.6.0.exe /s /v"ALLUSERS=1 /qr REBOOT=Suppress
    2. Run the modified command line to find errors.
    3. Fix the errors logged by the modified command line.
  6. Repeat step 5.
    After the installation is complete, you must verify whether the C:\Program Files (x86)\HCL\AppScan Enterprise folder created, which confirms that AppScan Enterprise installation is successful.

Configuring HCL AppScan Enterprise in silent mode

You can run the configure wizard on all the AppScan Enterprise server in silent mode by running a command.

Before you begin

  • You must be an Administrator to install the AppScan Enterprise in silent mode.
  • You must stop all the scans that are currently running and monitoring on the AppScan Enterprise Server that you are upgrading.

About this task

This section helps you configure the AppScan Enterprise Server in silent mode running a command line option.
Note: From AppScan Enterprise V10.0.3 and later, the License Server configuration supports only HCL licenses. When you are upgrading to AppScan Enterprise v10.0.3 from any of its previous version subscribed to HCL licenses, there may be inconsistencies in the License server configuration phase and the installation process may be terminated. In such scenario, it is recommended to contact your support team to upgrade to the AppScan Enterprise v10.0.3.


  1. Log in to the AppScan Enterprise server as administrator that you want configure.
  2. Download the configuration wizard WFCfgWiz.ini file to the AppScan Enterprise server. (If file doesn't download, right-click the link and save the file to your hard disk drive.)
  3. Customize the WFCfgWiz.ini file to match your system environment.
  4. Copy the WFCfgWiz.ini file to the AppScan installation directory.
  5. Open the command prompt window.
  6. Enter the C:\Program Files (x86)\HCL\AppScan Enterprise>WFCfgWiz.exe –silent command line at the command prompt and press [Enter] to run the configuration wizard in silent mode.
    The Configuration wizard dialog box is displayed and the configuration process is performed automatically.
  7. Go to C:\Program Files (x86)\HCL\AppScan Enterprise\WFCfgWiz and check the log file to verify whether the configuration is successfully complete without any errors.
  8. Download the initialization file Initialization.xml file to the AppScan Enterprise server. (If file doesn't download, right-click the link and save the file to your hard disk drive.)
  9. Customize the Initialization.xml file to match your system environment. For example, change the <hostname> for the Contact and ApplicationURL and the filepath if it is not pointing to the default installation directory.
  10. Copy the Initialization.xml file to the AppScan installation directory.
  11. From the command prompt, run the command C:\Program Files (x86)\HCL\AppScan Enterprise\InitializerCMD.exe ASE Initialization.xml command line to complete initialization.

Installing and Configuring AppScan Enterprise Agent in silent mode

You can install or upgrade and configure the agents that are used for scanning and testing your website applications.

Before you begin

  • You must be an Administrator to install the agents server in silent mode.
  • You must stop all the scans that are currently running by the agent that you are upgrading.


  1. Log in to the server as administrator where you are installing or upgrading the agent server.
  2. Download the installer package to the agent server.
    Note: The format of the installer file name is ASE_DASSetup_<<version>>.exe. For example, the installer packages file name for AppScan Enterprise version 10.6.0 is ASE_DASSetup_10.6.0.exe.
  3. Copy the installer packager file to C:\AppScan folder.
  4. Open the command prompt window.
  5. Enter the C:\AppScan\ ASE_DASSetup_10.6.0.exe /s /v"ALLUSERS=1 /qn REBOOT=Suppress command line at the command prompt and press [Enter] to run the installation in silent mode.
  6. Download the configuration wizard WFCfgWiz.ini file to the AppScan Enterprise server. (If file doesn't download, right-click the link and save the file to your hard disk drive.)
  7. Customize the WFCfgWiz.ini file to match your system environment.
    Note: You can use the same WFCfgWiz.ini file that is used in server installation by updating system name of the agent server.
  8. Copy the WFCfgWiz.ini file to the AppScan installation directory.
  9. Open the command prompt window.
  10. Enter the C:\Program Files (x86)\HCL\AppScan Enterprise>WFCfgWiz.exe –silent command line at the command prompt and press [Enter] to run the configuration wizard in silent mode.
    The Configuration wizard dialog box is displayed and configuration process is performed automatically.
  11. Go to C:\Program Files (x86)\HCL\AppScan Enterprise\WFCfgWiz and check the log file to verify whether the configuration is successfully complete without any errors.