Configuring Microsoft ADFS for SAML-SSO in AppScan Enterprise

You can configure the Active Directory Federation Service (ADFS) for user authentication through SAML-SSO login method. ADFS allows users across organizational boundaries to access applications on Windows Server Operating Systems using a single set of login credentials. ADFS uses a claims-based access control authorization model to maintain application security and implement federated identity.

Before you begin

  • You must have an Active Directory domain administrator account.
  • You must have a publicly trusted certificate for SSL server authentication for configuring ADFS.
  • You must have completed the following tasks:
    • Installed the AppScan Enterprise 10.6.0 on your system using Active Directory. See Installing.
    • Configured the SAML properties file with the Sign-On URL and SP Entity ID. See Enabling SAML Service Provider.


  1. Go to Service Manager > Tools > ADFS management, select Add Relying Party Trust, and complete the following steps:
    1. Select Claims Aware, and click Next.
    2. In Select Data Source, select Enter data about the replying partner manually, and click Next.
    3. In Specify Display Name, type Display Name as in ASE (any name), and click Next.
    4. In Configure Certificate, click Next.
    5. In Configure URL:
      1. Select Enable support for the SAML 2.0 WebSSO protocol
      2. In the Relying party SAML 2.0 SSO service URL field, enter:
      3. Click Next.
    6. In Configure Identifier:
      • Enter the Relying party trust identifier as:
      • Select Add.
      • Click Next.
    7. In Choose Access Control Policy, select Permit Everyone, and click Next.
    8. In Ready to Add trust, go to the Advanced tab and verify that Secure hash algorithm is "SHA-256".
    9. Click Finish.
  2. Claims configuration:
    1. Select the Relying party display name (for example ASE), and click on Edit Claim Issuance Policy.
    2. In Edit Claim Insurance Policy, select Add Rule.
    3. In the Choose Rule Type screen, for Claim Rule Template, select Send LDAP Attribute as Claims, and then click Next.
    4. In Configure Claim Rule, provide the Claim rule name (example: "ASE Active Directory").
    5. In Attribute Store, select Active Directory.
    6. Map the SAM-Account-Name attributes to Name ID, as shown below.

    7. Select Edit Claim Insurance Policy again, and in Choose Rule Type, select Transfer an Incoming Chain.

    8. In Configure Claim Rule, type in a name for the rule, and the following details:
      • Incoming claim type: Email address
      • Outgoing claim type: Name ID
      • Outgoing Name ID format: Email
    9. Select Pass through all claim values, and click Finish.


AppScan Enterprise is configured to Microsoft ADFS for SAML-SSO user authentication service.

What to do next

You must now complete the Additional SAML Properties setup for the AppScan Enterprise application you have integrated in the Microsoft ADFS in the Attribute Mappings page. See ASE-side configuration.