Creating issues as defects in JIRA Defect Tracking System
Select issues and submit them to Atlassian Pty Limited JIRA as defects for further tracking.
Before you begin
- This task uses a REST API call (GET /issues/details_v2) to build the content of the attachment.
- Make sure that JIRA is set up to accept attachments.
- In JIRA, go to the Note: You must have administrator privileges to complete this step.
- From the menu, select .
- Edit the settings so that Allow Attachments setting is "ON".
- In JIRA, go to the
- JIRA integration is not supported in Microsoft™ Internet Explorer v8/9. Consider upgrading your browser version or use Firefox instead.
- An External ID is created when you submit defects to JIRA. The External ID column indicates the project areas where issues were already submitted, so you can determine whether they need to be submitted to other project areas. Go to . Move the column next to the Issue or Status columns in the grid so that you can quickly see which issues were already submitted. Click the column header and then use the keyboard's Ctrl+ (Left or Right arrow) to move the column to its new destination.
- Perforce Job fields are not supported by AppScan® Enterprise.
- Standard JIRA fields can be customized, except for links and attachments that are automatically added during the defect submission process.
- The Description and Summary fields cannot be
changed when you submit multiple defects to JIRA.Note: The Description lists all of the issue attributes that have values, including the IssueXML issue attribute that is created when issues are imported from XML.
About this task
- private static String ASE_SCHEME = "https";
- private static String ASE_HOST = "localhost";
- private static int ASE_PORT = 9443;
- private static String ASE_CONTEXT_ROOT = "/ase";
- private static String ASE_USER = "username";
- private static String ASE_PASS = "password";
- private static String ASE_FEATURE_KEY = "AppScanEnterpriseUser";
- private static String DTSWEB_CONTEXT_ROOT = "/dtsweb";
- private static String JIRA_URL = "http://localhost:8080/";
- private static String JIRA_PROJECT_ID = "DEMO";
- private static String JIRA_USERNAME = "username";
- private static String JIRA_PASSWORD = "password";
- private static String JIRA_DEFECT_TYPE = "3";
- private static int MAX_NUMBER_OF_APPLICATIONS_OR_ISSUES = 10000;
Note: To disable the certificate validation, remove the comment from this line:
- In an application in the Monitor view, select the issues that you want to submit as defects.
- Click .
On the Create Defect page, select JIRA, complete
the URL, Username, and Password
fields, and click Connect to test the connection to JIRA.
- You can enable the check box to Ignore SSL Certificate/Hostname verification; however, this is not a recommended practice.
After a successful connection, the defect tracking system URL, user name and SSL check box selection are stored as your user preferences, and the last selected defect tracking system is remembered for your next session.
- The fields that display on the Create Defect page reflect the content that JIRA expects to receive from AppScan® Enterprise. Enable the Show optional fields check box to edit the additional fields.
- Select a Project Area and a Type, and click Create. Defects that are created successfully are listed on the page and include a link to the defect record in JIRA. Click Close.
- In AppScan® Enterprise, go to or click the Refresh icon in the sidebar to update the issue list to display the External IDs.
- If a single defect was successfully created in JIRA, you see a message at the top of the
Monitor view (otherwise, creation successes and failures are displayed in the
Create Defect dialog). Click the defect link to go to JIRA for more details.
This process attaches a .zip file to the defect record in JIRA that contains information about the issue.
- <issue_number>.htm (issue overview)
- <issue_number>_details.htm (not available for third-party import issues). This file can include advisories and fix recommendations, and shows the first variant only.
- You also see an External ID attribute in the About this Issue dialog for the particular issue.
- If logging is enabled in the Administration view, JIRA defect creation and error messages can be found in <install-dir>\Liberty\usr\servers\ase\logs\console.log.