Configuring IAST Service through Configuration Manager

You can configure the IAST service through HCL AppScan Enterprise Configuration Manager after the AppScan Enterprise installation and configuration process is completed by the Server Configuration Wizard.

Before you begin

  • You must have administrator privileges in AppScan Enterprise.
  • Installed the AppScan Enterprise and initiated the server configuration through Server Configuration Wizard. See Installing AppScan Enterprise.

About this task

If the Configuration Wizard is unable to detect the port number where the IAST service can be installed, then you can manually configure a port number where you can run IAST service for communicating with AppScan Enterprise. You can manually configure port number for IAST service through HCL AppScan Enterprise Configuration Manager. After the Configuration Wizard completes the AppScan Enterprise server configuration process, you can either launch the HCL AppScan Enterprise Configuration Manager from this wizard or you can manually launch it by running the configuration manager.exe file available in the AppScan Enterprise installation directory.
Note: If the Configuration Wizard is unable to configure IAST service due to non-availability of service port, the Configure IAST Service Communication option is selected in the Configuration Complete dialog box. You can either continue to configure the IAST service using this option or manually configure it through HCL AppScan Enterprise Configuration Manager.


  1. Launch the Configuration Manager by one of the following methods:
    • From the Server Configuration Wizard dialog box, select Launch AppScan Source Database Service check box. This check box is available for you only when server configuration is complete.


      1. After the AppScan Enterprise application installation is complete, navigate to the installation directory where AppScan Enterprise software is installed. For example: <installation directory>/AppScan Enterprise.
      2. Locate and run the ConfigurationManager.exe file.
    The HCL AppScan Enterprise Configuration Manager dialog box having the IAST Communication Service section is displayed.

  2. Configure the IAST service properties as described in the following table:
    Service Port Enter the port number of the machine where you want to install IAST service.
    Check port availability Click this option to validate whether the port is available for installing the IAST service.
    Depending on the port availability, you can see the following options:
    • Port available - Indicates the port is available for installing the IAST service.
    • Port unavailable - Indicates port is not available. Hence, you must try entering another available port number for IAST service.
    • In use - Indicates a port number that is already utilized by an IAST service.
    Service Status Indicates whether the service installed on this port is Running or Not running.
    Refresh Click Refresh to know the latest status service running on the port.
    Apply Click to apply the configuration changes for running the IAST service and communicate with AppScan Enterprise application.
    Exit Click to exit the configuration manager.


The IAST service is now configured with the AppScan Enterprise. For more information about IAST, see Interactive application security testing (IAST) in AppScan Enterprise.