Defining the servers to test and the security tests to perform

Job Administrators are assigned security test policies and server groups by a Product Administrator. Security test policies define what tests they can perform; server groups define which applications/servers they can run those tests against.

Before you begin

  • The test policies that are available depend on what the Product Administrator has assigned to you.
  • Each test policy is associated with a certain server group, so changing the test policy changes the server group.

About this task

Your user properties list the security test policies and server groups that have been assigned to you. When a Job Administrator creates a job, its security test policies and server groups are predetermined. However, other Job Administrators can change what tests the job can run and which applications it can test. Any other Job Administrator can "take ownership" of the job. When a Job Administrator takes ownership of a job, the available security test policies and server groups become those of the new Job Administrator.


  1. Go to the Folder Content Summary, select the job, and click Edit.
  2. On the General Properties page, click Select Job Owner, and choose yourself as the new job owner.
  3. Click Select Job Owner > Save.

What to do next

Assigning security test policies and server groups to users