Requesting collection of issues limiting traffic data

This API gives an option to truncate http-traffic data or limiting its character from an XML report that is larger in size. Based on the parameter, it is possible to truncate the original HTTP traffic as large report that sometimes affect overhead resources and prevent report generation.

HTTPS method


Service format

To retrieve the first page:



rid - report ID

size - Traffic data character size

For example: https://<hostname>/ase/services/reports/<rid>/issue/size?testhttptraffic=500&originalhttptraffic=500

Note: The maximum number of character in a traffic data is restricted to 500, which can be modified according to the requirement. The traffic data character size will be limited based on the number of character defined within this maximum limit.


<issues> element containing:
  • <security-issue> (for security issues)
  • <basic-issue> (for all other issues)
Refer to documented schema for more details.