Creating an import scan

An import QuickScan uploads AppScan® files using parameters set in a scan template created by a Product Administrator. After the file is uploaded, its data is stored in a database for analysis by the reporting engine and made available to you through report packs, which are collections of reports.


  1. In the Scans view, select an import template from the template list and click the Create QuickScan icon.
  2. (optional) Edit the scan name. (The name defaults to a unique version of the template name, but you can change it to something more meaningful.)
  3. Click Browse to specify the file location. The file can be an XML file or a zipped XML file.
  4. After you finish configuring your scan, save the scan options and start the scan. The Progress tab will open and display the scan statistics while the scan is running. You can also choose to:
    • Save current results and stop: Saves the current results and stops the job. The run will finish normally and save the data collected so far in the database, but the reports will be incomplete.
    • Discard results and stop: Discards any data collected during the run and stops the job.
    Note: You can run or stop a scan from any of the three QuickScan tabs.

What to do next

When scan results are ready, you can view the reports on the Results tab. Reports display information about your website or application and provide the functionality to navigate to more details. Most of your data analysis tasks will focus on the data provided in these reports.