Sample 2: DAST Scanning through Build Automation

Before you begin

This set of python scripts is to demonstrate the power of DAST scanning through build automation. Here is a sample file you can download to use in this (If file doesn't download, right-click the link and save the file to your hard disk drive.)
Note: The scan template to be used has to be created. It cannot be one of the default ones included in the ASE by default(For example: Quick and Light Scan or Developer Essentials). This demo assumes Manual Explore Server is installed in the default location: C:\Program Files (x86)\HCL\AppScan Manual Explorer.


The workflow is kicked off when a build of AltoroJ is started in Jenkins. Workflow:
  1. Build completes in Jenkins.
  2. Jenkins runs the post build task python dast_auto.config.
  3. The script starts the manual explore server.
  4. The selenium script is ran. (Traffic is proxied through the manual explore server).
  5. The M.E.S stopped and traffic capture is saved as an HTD file in the workspace directory.
  6. A scan job is created in ASE if one is not already there.
  7. The starting URL is added to the job (old one is overwritten).
  8. The HTD file is deleted.
  9. Login type is set to Automatic.
  10. Test credentials are added to the scan job.
  11. Scan is run.
  12. Report Pack is run.
  13. Security issues are extracted from the Security Issues report.
  14. monkit.xml is updated so that Jenkins can display the graph.
    The necessary files to this process are:
    • dast_auto.config - This is the configuration file for the automation. Edit this file to change the behavior of the script. For example: Change the scan template or starting URL. The file has a function to generate a blank config file.

    • - a python library that contains the API calls to ASE.
    • - A selenium script that logs into AltoroJ, views the account details of the first account and does a search.

    • - a python script that contains the logic described in steps 3 through 14 above. Edit Line #80 to adjust for the Jenkins project folder naming.

    • monkit.xml - a file that Jenkins can consume to display results of our security scanning.
    • geckodriver.log - the auto-generated log file for the geckodriver. The geckodriver is the driver that allows Selenium to interface with firefox via python