External Traffic Recorder
When you manually explore using AppScan as a recording proxy, this recorder displays domains detected and traffic received, and enables you to control which of these will be tested. A limited version of the recorder is used to record the login sequence.
Item |
Description |
Proxy port and IPs |
Shows the current port assigned to the recorder and the IPs for local and remote clients. |
Recorded Traffic |
Domains Detected (left pane) |
List of all domains detected in the recorded traffic. Select the domains that should be included in the scan. When you close the recorder, all selected domains are added to the Additional Servers and Domains list (Configuration > URL and Servers > Additional Servers and Domains) and will be included in the scan. |
Requests Sent (right pane) |
Shows all requests recorded during the Manual Explore. Requests from domains that are
selected in the left pane are shown in black; others are gray.
Export |
Click to export the recording for use on another machine. This button is active only after the recording has been stopped. |
Apply Explore stage Redundancy Tuning |
(Check box selected by default) When selected, Explore stage Redundancy Tuning (Configuration > Parameters and Cookies tab > Redundancy Tuning Defaults > Explore) will be applied to the current recording when you close the dialog box, to help avoid duplicate requests. Clear the checkbox only if selecting it results in cookies from the Manual Explore being missed. |
Stop recording |
Stops the recording, leaving the dialog box open for viewing and editing the
Note: Once you stop the recording you cannot start recording again without
discarding the current data. |
Save |
Closes the dialog box and adds all currently selected domains to the list of additional servers and domains included in the scan (Configuration > URL and Servers > Additional Servers and Domains). |
For the workflow, see Using an external client.