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System requirements
A summary of the minimum hardware and software required for the machine that runs AppScan® Dynamic Analysis Client (ADAC).
You can open the configuration client from AppScan® Enterprise or from your Desktop.
Options dialog
The Options dialog is used to select the interface language, and control how the client operates during a scan.
Enabling Loopback for MS Edge with Windows 10
Special configuration may be necessary you use Edge as the external browser with Windows 10 OS.
Basic Job Setup
You configure a job by choosing the settings that best enable AppScan® Enterprise to access to your application and run tests on it.
URL and Servers
URL and Servers view of the ADAC.
Login Management
Login Management view in Basic Job Setup.
One-Time Password (OTP)
If required by your application, configure AppScan® to use OTP when logging in.
Manual Explore
Manual Explore enables you to focus the scan on specific parts of your application.
Communication and Proxy
Communication and Proxy view of AppScan® Dynamic Analysis Client (ADAC).
HTTP Authentication
HTTP Authentication view of the ADAC.
Job Properties
The final stage of the setup is defining Job properties.
Additional Job Setup
AppScan® Enterprise users with additional privileges assigned by the Administrator see Additional setup options below the Basic options in the left pane. Other users do not see these options.
Environment Definition
Environment Definition view of the Configuration dialog box.
Excluded paths and files
You can configure ADAC to ignore certain paths in the application, or specific types of file.
Explore Options
Explore Options view in Additional Job Setup.
Parameters and Cookies
Parameters and Cookies view of the Configuration dialog box.
Automatic Form Fill
Automatic Form Fill view of the Configuration dialog box contains the values used to fill forms in your application.
Error Pages
Error Pages view of the Configuration dialog box.
Multi-Step Operations
Multi-Step Operations view of the Configuration dialog box is for testing parts of the site that can only be reached by clicking links in a specific order.
3rd Party Authentication
3rd Party Authentication view of the Configuration dialog box lets you configure AWS settings.
Test Optimization
Test Optimization view of the Configuration dialog box lets you take advantage of our ongoing statistical analysis for a faster scan.
Test Options
Test Options view of the Configuration dialog box.
Advanced Configuration
Advanced Configuration view is used to change advanced registry settings, and it should only be used by experienced users, or when instructed to do so by the support team to troubleshoot a problem.