Static analysis client support

This topics describes the supported operating systems and the types projects that can be scanned by AppScan 360° when you perform static analysis.

Operating system support

HCL AppScan 360° clients are supported on the following operating systems:
  • Windows: HCL AppScan 360° is supported on 64-bit systems and runs in 64-bit mode.
  • macOS: HCL AppScan 360° is supported on 64-bit systems and runs in 64-bit mode.
  • Linux: HCL AppScan 360° is supported on 64-bit systems only.

Command Line Utility support

Application server support

The Command Line Utility includes Apache Tomcat Version 7 application server .jar files that are used for basic JavaServer Page compilation. To achieve better compatibility, you can configure the CLI to use your own application server (supported application servers include Apache Tomcat versions 7 and higher, WebSphere® Application Server Versions 7, 8.0, and 8.5.x, and Oracle Weblogic Server version 10.3 and 12.x).

Command Line Utility and version compatibility

Your Static Analyzer Command Line Utility version is automatically checked when you:

  • Issue the appscan prepare command on Windows or the prepare command on Linux and macOS.
  • Use the Run Static Analysis action in an integrated development environment that has the static analysis plug-in installed.
  • Use the prepare option to generate an IRX file for a Maven project.
  • Upload an IRX file by using the appscan queue_analysis command on Windows or the queue_analysis command on Linux and macOS.
  • Upload an IRX file to the cloud.
When you perform any of the prepare or Run Static Analysis actions, you may receive a message indicating that a new version of the Command Line Utility is available. In this case, you can proceed without upgrading the Command Line Utility - or you can upgrade the Command Line Utility to take advantage of new features and capabilities.
Note: To ensure compatibility, the Static Analyzer Command Line Utility must be downloaded from an AppScan 360° server.

When you perform any of the above actions using a version of the Command Line Utility that is no longer supported, a message will indicate that the Command Line Utility must be updated. In this case, download and set up the latest Command Line Utility

Plugin support

Jenkins support

The AppScan 360° Jenkins plug-in allows you to add dynamic and static analysis build steps to your Jenkins build projects. You can install the plug-in to Jenkins Versions 2.222.4 or higher. From the plug-in, you can connect to the AppScan 360° service on Cloud Marketplace.

Visual Studio Team Services/Team Foundation Server (Azure DevOps) support

The Visual Studio Team Services/Team Foundation Server (Azure DevOps) plugin allows you to scan static and dynamic VSTS and TFS projects. HCL AppScan 360° supports TFS version 2018 update 2 and newer. To learn more about the plugin, see, Installing and using the Azure DevOps Services plugin.

AppScan Go! support

AppScan Go! is supported on Windows, Linux, and Mac.


Communication through REST APIs can be scripted for ease of integration with DevOps tools. DevOps plugins for use with the AppScan 360° Static Analysis will be available in the future.
Language Upload source code Upload source code + build artifacts Upload IRX (generate IRX locally)
C/C++ To scan file types listed as "source code-only" in the language support table.1 To scan byte code file types listed under default content in the language support table.
Java and Java web content N/A
  • .jar

    Customize scan target and dependencies using config file.

  • .class

    Archive directory structure containing the class files,

  • .war
    Note: Tomcat is the default JSP compiler.
  • .ear

  • .jar and .class, when all dependencies cannot be included in the archive
  • .war, if JSP compile requires a webserver other than Tomcat
.NET To scan file types listed as "source code-only" in the language support table.1 To scan byte code file types listed under default content in the language support table.

Always. appscan-config is not needed.

Archive must contain the entire directory structure of the target code to be scanned.

  1. Source code-only option performs a scan on the source code without resolving dependencies. Set the source code-only option in a configuration file as follows:
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <Configuration sourceCodeOnly="true">
       <Target path=./SimpleIOT" />