Examples and references

Application examples

  • Give me the names of the all applications that have at least one failed policy: https://<domain>/api/V2/Apps?$filter=ComplianceStatuses%2Fany(d%3Ad%2FCompliant%20eq%20false)&$select=Name
  • Give me all applications that have any new issues with High severity: https://<domain>/api/V2/Apps?$filter=RiskRating%20eq%20'Critical'%20and%20NewIssues%20gt%200
  • Give me the names, IDs, and creation dates of applications created since 2018-01-01: https://<domain>/api/V2/Apps?$filter=DateCreated%20gt%20DateTime'2018-01-01'%20&$select=Name%2CId%2CDateCreated

Scan examples

  • Give me all the personal scans that have completed with a status of Ready and are not a personal scan: https://<domain>/api/v2/Scans?$filter=LatestExecution%2FStatus%20eq%20'Ready'%20and%20IsPersonal%20eq%20true
  • Give me all the scans with the word Jenkins in the scan name regardless of letter case: https://<domain>/api/v2/Scans?$filter=substringof('jenkins'%2Ctolower(Name))%20eq%20true
