Using the AppScan Central Platform

To use the AppScan Central Platform, you must first:
  1. Activate AppScan 360° with a license key.
  2. Login to AppScan Central Platform.
  3. Onboard users.
  4. Install and connect to AppScan 360° Static Analysis

Activating AppScan 360°

To run scans, you must activate AppScan 360° with a license key.

To activate a subscription:

  1. From the AppScan 360° console, navigate to Organization > Subscriptions.
  2. Click Add subscription.
  3. In the Add subscription dialog box, paste the license key into the field.
  4. Click Verify.

Logging in to AppScan Central Platform

To log in for the first time:
  1. Either:
    • Navigate to:
    • Configure DNS entry for AppScan 360° machine.
  2. Enter the default Admin account credentials:
    Username Admin
    Password Admin12!
  3. Add users from your organization.
    Users are added as regular users. You can promote any user to Administrator.
    Note: Once you promote at least one LDAP user to Admin, the default Admin account (that was created during the installation) is disabled.

Adding users

You can configure AppScan 360° to on-board new users automatically, or to require them to be invited by an administrator through the user interface.
  • AutoOnboard: Any user with access to the server can log in to AppScan 360°.
  • GroupsAccess: Any user in an authorized group (defined with LDAP_AUTHORIZED_GROUPS=) can log in to AppScan 360°.
  • ManualOnboard: Users must be invited using the Add Users button on the Access management > Users page.
For more details, see Managing users


Installation logs are saved in the Logs directory within the AppScan 360° root directory.

Connecting AppScan 360° Static Analysis

  1. In a text editor, open the file:
    <AppScan360 install directory>\serverservice\appsettings.asop.json
  2. In the Settings section, locate or add the entry SastServiceUrl with the value of the AppScan 360° Static Analysis URL.
  3. Restart the service AppScan360 Server Service to apply the change.
    "Settings": { 