System requirements for AppScan 360° Static Analysis

This section describes required operating systems and supporting technology for downloading and deploying AppScan 360° Static Analysis. Additional information on setting up required components can be found here.

The AppScan 360° Static Analysis package contains these elements:
  • The AppScan 360° SAST gateway

    The main entry point for a scan.

  • The workflow-manager

    Manages scan progress.

  • The scan-manager.

    Fetches scan artifacts and details, and gathers troubleshooting information.

  • The preparer service

    Prepares source code and builds artifacts for analysis.

  • The analyzer service

    Evaluates the IRX to identify vulnerabilities.

  • The ASCP Adapter

    Interface to AppScan Central Platform for monitoring scan status and progress, and working with results and logs.

  • RabbitMQ
Note: The number and configuration of systems used to host the containers depend on the required level of concurrency (the number of parallel scans) and the size of the applications to be scanned.

System requirements and prerequisites

AppScan 360° Static Analysis is downloaded and deployed using a bash script and thus requires a Linux environment. AppScan 360° Static Analysis agents are deployed locally or in the cloud.
Note: Install the AppScan Central Platform before downloading and deploying AppScan 360° Static Analysis

Downloading AppScan 360° SAST

Linux system:
  • RedHat 7.9 or newer, or Ubuntu
  • Docker or containerd runtime
  • Kubectl
  • Helm
SAST base charts are required for driving the deployment process. Current AppScan 360° SAST charts can be downloaded to a local system in two ways:.
  • HCL Harbor
    • HCL ID with access to the FlexNet operations portal.
    • HCL Harbor account with read access and access to the AppScan 360° SAST project area.
  • Archive installation
    • HCL ID with access to the FlexNet operations portal.

Cluster setup

You can deploy AppScan 360° SAST to Kubernetes clusters using our script. The following pre-requisites apply to all cluster types:
  • CA certificate and private key to enable TLS
  • The latest available version of an ingress controller (for example, NGINX)
  • Keda version 2.9.4
  • CertManager version 1.11.0
  • kubectl for communicating with the cluster.

Cloud Deployment to AKS (Azure)

AppScan 360° SAST containers can be deployed on a Kubernetes environment provided by various cloud providers configured as follows:

Note: The deployment script currently supports only Azure for cloud deployment.
Note: Kubernetes and Azure are the preferred and supported containerization technologies for AppScan 360° Static Analysis.

Static Analyzer Command Line Utility

The Static Analyzer Command Line Utility (SAClientUtil) is used to generate an IRX that can be scanned in AppScan 360°. The prepare command is supported for use with AppScan 360° Static Analysis.

The Static Analyzer Command Line Utility (SAClientUtil) is updated regularly for a variety of reasons, including:
  • New language support
  • Updated language support (new files types associated with supported languages, for example)
  • New features
  • Fixes

Resource requirements


For each container at rest, based on a reference system with RHEL7.9, 16GB RAM, 24 vCPU, and 512GB disk space, the following resources are required:

Service Instance (min/max) CPU (min/max) RAM (min/max) Disk space (min/max)
prepare service 1/10 4/6 16GB/16GB
analyze service 1/10 4/6 32GB/32GB
Workflow manager 1/1 2/4 6GB/6GB
Scan Manager 1/1 1/2 4GB/4GB
ASCP Adapter 1/3 2/4 6GB/6GB
Gateway 1/1 1/2 4GB/4GB
Scan data (shared) 200GB
Logs (shared) 10GB
Note: The maximum RAM for the preparer and analyzer services can be increased based on the memory requirement of an individual scan. The disk space for scan data and logs can be increased as needed.
Note: Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS) provides azurefile storage as a storage class for PVCs. If a custom storage class like longhorn is to be used, disk space of ~250GB is provided for pods PVC as well as log PVC.

Resource requirements are highly variable based on specific scanning needs, configurations, application demands, and so on. See Configuring concurrent scans for additional information.


The preparer, analyzer, and ASCP Adapter services can be scaled up and down automatically. When concurrent scan requests are detected by monitoring, the RabbitMQ message queues for any of preparer, analyzer, or ASCP Adapter services, up to ten pods (by default) for each service can be started in parallel to address the requests in the queue.

Service Instance (min/max)
preparer 1/10
analyzer 1/10
ascp-adapter 1/3
workflow-manager 1/1
scan-manager 1/1
gateway 1/1
Note: The resource configuration in the cluster must be customized to support the desired level of concurrent scans.


AppScan 360° SAST uses storage for:
  • Scan cache
  • Scan data
  • Logs

By default, AppScan 360° SAST uses the azurefile storage provider when deployed in Azure, unless otherwise configured to use other storage provider. The storage provider class-name, size and other properties can be customized using configuration parameters.