Manually deploying to WebSphere® Application Server

The following instructions describe how to manually deploy HCL Leap to WebSphere® Application Server .

Before you begin

Prior to deploying HCL Leap to WebSphere® Application Server , you must create a new DB2® , or Oracle 12c database.


  1. Set up your database.
  2. To deploy Leap to WebSphere® Application Server , open the WebSphere® Application Server Administrative console.
  3. Configure the data sources. Depending on your version of WebSphere® Application Server , go to either:
    • Resources or
    • Application server
    1. Expand the JDBC tree, and go to Data sources.
      • Create a new data source
      • Provide the host name, port, database name (PDB database service name must be used for Oracle 12c), connection ID, and password. The connection ID must have dbadmin access granted for the database.
      • If you are connecting to a DB2® database with WebSphere® Application Server 8.0 Connection pool data source, ensure that you select a non-XA DB2® JDBC provider, and use a Type 4 driver when configuring the data source.
      • Click Test connection to ensure that the connection is made.
    2. You must set additional properties for the created data source.
      • Click the name link for the created data source, then click Custom Properties.
      • DB2 only - Locate fullyMaterializeLobData, and change the value to false.
      • DB2 only - Add a property called progressiveStreaming, and set the value to 2.
      • DB2 only - Set streamBufferSize to 2097152 (2MB). Add this property if it doesn't exist.
      • Set the webSphereDefaultIsolationLevel to 2
  4. Go to Mail > Mail sessions.
    • Select the correct scope and choose New.
    • Choose Built-in Mail Provider.
    • Provide a name, and a JNDI Name.
    • Depending on your version of WebSphere® Application Server , you might need to click Apply before setting the following properties.
    • Complete the Outgoing Mail Properties.
    • Set the Server, and Return email address fields.
    • Click OK
  5. Go to Application Servers > server1 > Java and Process Management > Process definition > Java Virtual Machine, and set the default maximum heap size to at least 1024 MB.
  6. Deploy the Leap EAR:
    1. Go to Applications > Application Types > WebSphere Enterprise Applications.
    2. Select Install.
    3. Select Local file system, provide the location of the EAR file, and click Next.
      For example: <Installation Directory>/deploy/hcl-leap.ear.
    4. From the How do you want to install the application? options, select Detailed, then click Next.
    5. Accept the defaults presented by clicking Next for all steps until Map resource references to resource.
    6. On Map resource references to resource:
      • In the javax.mail.Session section, go to Target Resource JNDI Name, and select the mail source.
      • In the javax.sql.DataSource section, go to Target Resource JNDI Name, and select the data source.
    7. Click Next.
    8. Accept the defaults for the next step and click Next.
    9. On Map context roots for web modules use the default context roots, and click Next.
    10. On Map security roles to users or groups:
      • Select the SuperAdminUsers role, and click Map Users... or Map Groups.... Select the super administrative users or groups to map to the role.
      • Select the EditApplicationUsers role, and click Map Special Subjects. Select either All authenticated in Application's Realms, or All authenticated in Trusted Realms to map the value to the role. If both options are available, select All authenticated in Trusted Realms.
      • Select the AdministrativeUsers role, and click Map Users... or Map Groups.... Select the administrative users or groups to map to the role.
      • Select the UseApplicationUsers role, and click Map Special Subjects. Select either All authenticated in Application's Realms, or All authenticated in Trusted Realms to map the value to the role. If both options are available, select All authenticated in Trusted Realms.
      Additional information about available roles:
      • SuperAdminUsers - Super Administrative Users are users, or groups, with administrator privileges for all Leap applications without explicit security settings.
      • AdministrativeUsers - Administrative users are able to set up the Leap server. You must have an Administrative User to complete the installation process as described in Completing the installation. A sample setting is: Special subject: None, Mapped users, admin_user_name .
      • EditApplicationUsers - Authenticated users that can design, deploy, and use Leap applications. A sample setting is: Special subject: All authenticated in Application's Realms.
      • UseApplicationsUsers - Authenticated users that can use deployed Leap applications. All users in the AdministrativeUsers, and EditApplicationUsers automatically have access to use deployed applications. Only adjust this setting if you want to allow a broader set of users than those listed in the AdministrativeUsers, and EditApplicationUsers roles. Otherwise, leave this role unmapped. A sample setting, if you must map the role, is: Special subject: All authenticated in Trusted Realms.

      You must map Administrative users and Edit Application users to an appropriate realm.

    11. Continue to the summary page.
    12. Click Finish to deploy the ear file.
  7. Set the class loading and update detection:
    1. Go to Enterprise Applications > Leap > Class loader .
    2. Go to Class loader order and select Classes loaded with local class loader first (parent last).
    3. Go to Enterprise Applications > Leap > Manage Modules > HCL Leap xxx.war.
    4. Go to Class loader order and select Classes loaded with local class loader first (parent last)
    5. Click Apply to apply changes.
  8. Enabling security:
    1. Expand the Security tree and select Global security.
    2. In the Administrative security section, select the check box beside Enable administrative security.
    3. In the Application security section, select the check box beside Enable application security.
    4. In the User Account Repository, ensure Current Realm Definition is set to Federated repositories.
    5. Click Apply to apply your changes.
  9. Configure user accounts:
    1. Go to Users and Groups > Manage Users.
      For more information about configuring accounts, see the WebSphere Application Server documentation.
  10. Configure VMM J2C Alias:
    1. Go to Security > Global Security > Authentication > Java Authentication and Authorization Service > J2C authentication data.
    2. Click New...
    3. Enter the following information
      • Alias: vmmAdmin
      • User Id: websphere_admin_user_id
      • Password: websphere_admin_user_password
    4. Click Apply to apply your changes.