The Release Notes for the HCL Workload Automation Dynamic Workload Console version 9.5 contain the following topics:

Product publications

To download the appropriate package for your operating system, see the HCL License Portal.

For detailed system requirements for all operating systems, see the Detailed System Requirements document available at Product Requirements.

To access the HCL Workload Automation documentation, see the Product Documentation.

A complete list of new or changed functions in this release are documented in the Summary of Enhancements. Helpful videos are also available on the Workload Automation YouTube channel.

You are strongly recommended to maintain all HCL Workload Automation components at the latest fix pack level.

Interoperability tables


Support at level of older product or component: For all products and components described in this section, the level of support is at that of the older product or component.

In the tables in this section the following acronyms are used:

BDDM HCL Workload Automation backup dynamic domain manager
BKM HCL Workload Automation backup master domain manager
DA Dynamic agent
DDM HCL Workload Automation dynamic domain manager
DM HCL Workload Automation domain manager
FP Fix pack
FTA HCL Workload Automation fault-tolerant agent
MDM HCL Workload Automation master domain manager
DWC Dynamic Workload Console
HWA HCL Workload Automation
HWA for Apps HCL Workload Automation for Applications
HWA distr Agent for z/OS HCL Workload Automation distributed - Agent for z/OS
z/OS Conn HCL Workload Automation z/OS® connector feature
z/OS Controller HCL Workload Automation for z/OS Controller

Supported Browsers

To obtain the most up-to-date information about supported browsers and related versions, see the Supported Software document available at Product Requirements.

The following tables are available:

Dynamic Workload Console: compatibility

DWC 9.5
9.5, 9.4
9.5 FP1
IBM Workload Scheduler V9.5 is fully compatible with Versions 9.5, 9.4 with the exception of the Dynamic Workload Broker UI and CLI capabilities which are not supported by an MDM 9.4 nor an MDM 9.5. These capabilities are supported with both the MDM and DWC at the V9.5 Fix Pack 1 level or later.

IBM Workload Scheduler for z/OS: compatibility

Dynamic Workload Console
IBM Z Workload Scheduler
DWC 9.5



When you install Dynamic Workload Console V9.5, the z/OS connector is also automatically installed.

To find the fix packs released for HCL Workload Automation, and the Dynamic Workload Console including links to the related readmes files, see HCL License Portal.

Software limitations and problems and their workarounds


This section contains product limitations not resolved with this release of Dynamic Workload Console, and their workarounds (where applicable)

Application Lab starts by connecting to the first engine of the manage list.

When running Application Lab from the welcome page, it automatically connects to the first engine set in the manage list. Workaround: To connect to a different engine, replace the engine name and engine owner in the URL.

The Dynamic Workload Broker user interface and command line are not supported for the current release
The listed components, also known as Broker CLI and Broker UI, are not supported in version 9.5. To be able to use these components, install version 9.5, Fix Pack 1 or later.

Note: The Broker CLI and the Broker UI require both the Dynamic Workload Console and the master domain manager at the Version 9.5, Fix Pack 1 level or later.

Browser limitations
-If you use the Workload Dashboard with Firefox, by clicking on a bar chart there is no drill-down on the objects selected.
-To optimize performance when using the Graphical Views it is recommended to use Chrome or Firefox.

Workload Dashboard
You cannot launch more than one dashboard that requires an engine selection at a time. Use a new session for each dashboard.

Limitations with Workflow Folders
- The folders are not available with cross dependecies and reports. 
- In the Workload Designer when opening a job plugin in view mode, folder field does not appear. Workaround: Open the job plugin in edit mode.
- Limited number of objects in Workload Designerwhen clicking the tab Explore in the Workload Designer, the maximum number of jobs, job streams and folders that can be displayed is 250 for each object type.
- Shadow Jobs and SAP Jobs on Dynamic Agent in folders: These jobs can only be saved in the root folder.

The status of a job changed within a rerun chain does not appear in the Dynamic Workload Console
When you modify the status of a job within a rerun chain using conman confirm, and the job is not the last job in the chain, the status is correctly displayed in conman, but remains unchanged in the Dynamic Workload Console. However, because the job in object is not the last job in the chain, this modification does not affect the overall job stream status.

Backward compatibility problems with HCL Workload Automation 9.4
- To monitor objects from an engine version 9.4 remove the folder filter from the the predefined query.
- Before importing preferences from the Dynamic Workload Console 9.4 perform the following procedure:

open the TDWCSettings.xml file and find and replace as follows:

<java.lang.String id="PARAM_EngineType">distributed</java.lang.String>
replace with
<java.lang.String id="PARAM_EngineType">tws-distributed</java.lang.String>


<java.lang.String id="PARAM_EngineType">zos</java.lang.String>
replace with
<java.lang.String id="PARAM_EngineType">tws-zos</java.lang.String>


Installation and upgrade limitations, problems, and their workarounds


The following are limitations that affect the installation and upgrade of the Dynamic Workload Console:

Characters allowed for password
Windows environment: The following are valid characters to be used in the password: alphanumeric, dash (-), underscore ()?*~+..
UNIX environment: The following are valid characters to be used in the password: alphanumeric, dash (-), underscore (_) characters, and ()|?=*~+..

The installation directory name and path cannot include non-ASCII characters
           Recent JVMs do not fully support use of non-ASCII characters with the -jar and -javaagent commands. Use only ASCII characters in your installation directory names and paths.

Documentation Updates


All updates to the HCL Workload Automation documentation that are required for version 9.5 are included in the editions of the publications of Workload Automation Documentation.

APARs fixed in this release


APARs fixed in this release Dynamic Workload Console V9.5:


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