Modifying the scheduler

Use the MODIFY command to supply information to HCL Workload Automation for Z after it has started. The syntax of the MODIFY command is:
/F procname,modifyoption


The HCL Workload Automation for Z JCL procedure name.
Can be one of the following:
Starts the specified subtask.
Stops the specified subtask.

taskname can be one of the following:

APPC subtask.
Automatic recovery subtask.
APPC tracker router subtask.
Critical path handler subtask.
Data router subtask.
Event manager subtask.
All active event-reader subtasks.
Event writer subtask.
External router subtask.
Fetch job log task.
General service subtask.
HTTP Client subtask.
HTTP Server subtask.
TCP/IP router subtask.
Job-completion-checker subtask.
Normal-mode-manager subtask. The normal mode manager must be restarted as soon as possible after it has stopped. Many functions of HCL Workload Automation for Z require an active NMM task to execute successfully.
Deactivates the ENF mechanism implemented for the ENF 53 event. In this way, a dynamic time change for all the HCL Workload Automation for Z subsystems cannot be performed. By default, the ENF 53 mechanism is automatically deactivated when the controller is stopped.
Pre-submit task.
RODM subtask.
Activates the ENF mechanism implemented for the ENF 53 event, so that a dynamic time change for all the HCL Workload Automation for Z subsystems can be performed. By default, the ENF 53 mechanism is automatically activated at controller startup.
Submit subtask.
Network communication function (NCF) subtask.
Workstation analyzer subtask.

Only the tasks in HCL Workload Automation for Z subtask table can be activated by a MODIFY command. The subtask table is built when HCL Workload Automation for Z is started. This means that you can only start a task that has stopped earlier in the current session. If you attempt to start a started subtask or stop a stopped subtask, error message EQQZ049W is issued, and no action is taken.

AWSCLASS (wsname)
Adds a workstation to the list of workstations for which you defined the class forcing by setting JTOPTS WSCLASS. For example, to add the workstation CPU1 issue the command:
/F procname,AWSCLASS(CPU1)
AWSSYSAFF (wsname:system.destination)
Adds a workstation or a system and destination to the list of workstations where you forced the execution of z/OS jobs by setting JTOPTS WSSYSAFF(wsname:system.destination).
For example to add the workstation CPU3 with the related destinations, issue the command:
/F procname,AWSSYSAFF(CPU3:*.*)
To add the destination D5 belonging to system SYSA to the workstation VIRT, issue the command:


Issue this command on the primary controller or backup controller to collect detailed information about plans, JT events, and processes. By comparing the information that is returned in EQQMLOG, you can verify the alignment status between the controllers.
For example, on the primary controller, the following messages are shown in EQQMLOG:
EQQN133I PRIMARY CONTROLLER INFO:                     
EQQN133I CP INFO:                                     
EQQN133I - CP RUN         : 00000004                  
EQQN133I - CP TOD         : CDDD39D2CA9AB661          
EQQN133I LTP INFO:                                    
EQQN133I - LT RUN         : 00000002                  
EQQN133I - LT TOD         : CDDD39D526710741          
EQQN133I - EVENT TYPE     : 29                        
EQQN133I - SEQUENCE NUMBER: 00000CD3                  
EQQN133I - TIME STAMP     : 141006/16522655           
EQQN133I LATEST TRANSFER PLAN INFO:                   
EQQN133I - NCP JOB NAME   : ROZSENCP                  
EQQN133I - NCP JOB ID     : STC00814                  
EQQN133I - NCP JOB STATUS : C                         
EQQN133I - LTP JOB NAME   : ROZSENLT                  
EQQN133I - LTP JOB ID     : STC00813                  
EQQN133I - LTP JOB STATUS : C                         
EQQN133I - CP1 JOB NAME   :                           
EQQN133I - CP1 JOB ID     :                           
EQQN133I - CP1 JOB STATUS :                           
On the backup controller, the following messages are shown in EQQMLOG:
BACKUP CONTROLLER INFO:                              
CP INFO:                                             
- CP PLAN AVAILABLE            : Y                   
- CP PLAN DDNAME               : EQQCP1DS            
- CP PLAN RUN NUMBER           : 00000004            
- CP PLAN TOD KEY              : CDDD39D2CA9AB661    
LTP INFO:                                            
- LT PLAN AVAILABLE            : Y                   
- LT PLAN RUN NUMBER           : 00000002            
- LT PLAN TOD KEY              : CDDD39D526710741    
LATEST WRITTEN JT EVENT INFO:                         
- JT TYPE                      : 29                  
- JT SEQNO                     : 00000C15            
- JT TIMESTAMP                 : 141006/16264299     
SYNCHRONIZATION INFO:                                
- SYNC IS IN PROGRESS          : N                   
- SYNC TYPE                    :                     
- NCP STATUS                   : restore not needed  
- CP1 STATUS                   : restore not needed  
- CP2 STATUS                   : restore not needed  
- LTP STATUS                   : restore not needed  
LATEST RESTORE PLAN INFO:                             
- NCP JOB NAME                 : ROZSENCP            
- NCP JOB ID                   : STC00805            
- NCP JOB STATUS               : N   
- POSTPONED                    : N
Orders a backup controller to take over the functions of the primary controller. Issue this command on the backup controller.

Specify the option BKTAKEOVER,FORCE to force the backup controller takeover, even when the connection between the controllers is apparently up and running. Specify the option BKTAKEOVER,NOSUB to deactivate the job-submit option, even if JTOPTS JOBSUBMIT(YES) is set.

Note: The backup controller takeover can occur if you have set the appropriate parameters in BKPTOPTS and TRROPTS initialization statements.
Activates the CDP logging. This command is effective provided that OPCOPTS CDPPATH=path_to_CDP_log_files was already set at controller startup.
Deactivates the CDP logging.
Activates the STATMSG(CPLOCK) message.
Deactivates the STATMSG(CPLOCK) message.
Use this keyword to manually start the deployment process that refreshes the trackers event configuration file (member EQQEVLST of the EQQJCLIB data set) according to the current content of the controller EQQEVLIB data set.

The process can update the event configuration file for the trackers that are currently connected. At the end of the deployment process, each connected tracker monitors for the events that match the refreshed data, based on an in-storage copy of the configuration file.

If a tracker destination is referenced in the controller routing options (ROUTOPTS statement), but it is not currently connected, the tracker acquires the configuration file data when the connection is restored.
Displays the value set for OPIADEP in the JTOPTS statement.
Lists the HTTP destinations that are currently used by the controller. The list is stored in the message log.
Displays all the values that are set for the smooth submission feature in the JTOPTS and BATCHOPT statements.
Lists the DD names for data sets that cannot be discarded. The list can be obtained in one of the following ways:
  • In the initial parameter statements: RCLOPTS DDPROT or DDPRMEM
  • With the MODIFY command /F procname,PROT(DD=member)
Lists the data sets that cannot be discarded. The list can be obtained in one of the following ways:
  • In the initial parameter statements: RCLOPTS DSNPROT or DSNPRMEM
  • With the MODIFY command /F procname,PROT(DS=member)
Displays, in message EQQZ095, the status of statistics messaging. The message indicates whether messaging is active for EVENTS, CPLOCKS, GENSERV, and WSATASK. It also gives the values currently set for EVELIM and STATIM. For details, refer to Messages and Codes.
Sets the new value of the EVELIM keyword of the JTOPTS statement. Allowed values are 0 to 9999.
Displays the list of workstations for which you defined the class forcing by setting JTOPTS WSCLASS.
Displays the list of workstations where you forced the execution of z/OS jobs by setting JTOPTS WSSYSAFF(wsname:system.destination). .
Activates the STATMSG(EVENTS) message.
Deactivates the STATMSG(EVENTS) message.
Activates the STATMSG(GENSERV) message.
Deactivates the STATMSG(GENSERV) message.
Activates the single JCL trace. For each job handled by WSA task information, such as the elapsed time in milliseconds needed to handle the job, retrieve the JCL, access the JS VSAM, or whatever else, will be shown.

This is a powerful trace and should be activated only for short periods of time to identify possible performance problems.

Deactivates the single JCL trace.
The controller lists the NOERROR table content. An example of the command output follows:
EQQZ024I Current NOERROR table content:                         
EQQZ024I !------------------------------------------!----------!
EQQZ024I ! Statement                                ! Member   !
EQQZ024I !------------------------------------------!----------!
EQQN067I ! ABC123.*.*.0016.GE                       ! STDCWSN  !
EQQN067I ! ABC123.*.*.0012.NE                       ! STDCWSN  !
EQQN067I ! ABC123.*.*.0016.EQ                       ! STDCWSN  !
EQQN067I ! ABC123.*.*.0500.TO.0610                  ! NOERR2   !
EQQN067I ! ABC123.*.*.0200.TO.0210                  ! NOERR2   !
EQQN067I ! ABC123.*.*.0005.LT                       ! NOERR    !
EQQZ024I !------------------------------------------!----------!

The information returned in the Member column can help you locate members to be updated.

Sets the new value of the MAXSUBJOBS keyword of the OPCOPTS statement. Allowed values are 0 to 9999.
Use this command to create and use an MCP data space. This overrides MCPDATASPACE(NO) in the JTOPTS statement.
Use this command to stop using and delete the MCP data space. This overrides MCPDATASPACE(YES) in the JTOPTS statement.
Use this command on the tracker side to rebuild the triggering selection table. The new table is read from member EQQEVLST (or EQQDSLST, if EQQEVLST does not exist) of the data set referenced by the EQQJCLIB DD name in the started task JCL for the tracker. The new table replaces the table in ECSA.
Note: If EQQJCLIB contains both EQQEVLST and EQQDSLST member, the resulting triggering selection table is the union of EQQEVLST and EQQDSLST. In this case, EQQEVLST data is processed first.
You can use the commands NEWNOERR and NOERRMEM() only if NOERROR entries are coded under the LIST() keyword of the NOERROR statement.

When you enter a NEWNOERR command, the program searches the controller PARMLIB member only for NOERROR init statements. If none are found, an empty table is created, thus deleting the entries which were loaded when the CONTROLLER started. Do not use the NEWNOERR command if the NOERROR list is coded under the NOERROR() keyword of the JTOPTS initialization statement. If you enter a NOERRMEM(membername) command, the current table is deleted and created again. The entries that had already been specified for membername are replaced with the entries found in the updated member of the EQQPARM library.

When using NOERROR, consider the following:
  • Use this keyword only if you are sure you can stop the controller before updating the NOERROR data.
  • Initialization statements cannot exceed 32 KB or 455 72-character lines. The available space for NOERROR entries in the initialization statement is more limited compared with using this keyword in the JTOPTS statement.
  • Do not mix the three options for defining NOERROR entries:
    • NOERROR LIST () in the main parmlib member
    • NOERROR LIST () in separate parmlib members identified by the INCLUDE() initialization statement
    The options for dynamically updating controller data are mutually exclusive and using them incorrectly might cause the deletion of the active table.
  • If you must dynamically update the NOERROR data without stopping the controller, and the NOERROr entries are defined in a separate parmlib member, place all NOERROR entries in a single parmlib member. In this way, you can use only one member name in the NOERRMEM command.
Orders a controller to rebuild the NOERROR table, in the case NOERROR statements have been modified in the parameter library member that contains the JTOPTS statement.
Orders a controller to rebuild the NOERROR table, in the case NOERROR statements have been modified in a parameter library member that was specified in an INCLUDE statement.
Order a controller to delete all NOERROR codes defined by member M1, once you have previously changed M1 to contain only comments. The modified member can contain a different number of NOERROR codes than the original member.
Note: The scheduler opens the EQQPARM library when HCL Workload Automation for Z is started and parameter library members (residing in library extents), that have been created, cannot be accessed, after have been opened. To avoid this problem, the data sets that define the EQQPARM library should be allocated without any secondary extents.
PROT ([DD=mem1], [DS=mem2])
Replaces the currently used list contents of the members (mem1 and mem2) inside the PDS parameter library, if DD or DSN is protected. At least one of the two keywords DD or DS must be specified. The list of protected DD and DSN is dropped when mem1 or mem2 is blank. Also, the keywords DD and DS remove the list of protected DD names and DS names.

For example, if DDPROT is used in the parameter library at startup of the controller, the command drops this list and replaces it with the contents of mem1.

Sets the new value of the QUEUELEN keyword of the JTOPTS statement. Allowed values are 0 to 9999, but a minimum value of 5 is forced.
If you modify, add, or delete an HTTP or HTTPS destination in ROUTOPTS while HCL Workload Automation for Z is running, makes your changes immediately effective. This command does not update any changes you make to the PROXY parameter in ROUTOPTS.

RFRDEST manages up to a total of 100 new destinations, regardless if you add them at once or at different times. .

If you modify the USRREC statement while HCL Workload Automation for Z is running, makes your changes immediately effective.
If you modify the criteria table pointed by the UX14IN DD name in the controller started task while the controller is running, makes your changes effective for the operations that become ready after modifying the table.

To make the changes effective also for the operations that were ready before you modified the table, you must replan the current plan.

For detailed information about the time-dependent-operation exit, see Time-dependent-operation exit (EQQUX014).

RWSCLASS (wsname)
Deletes a workstation from the list of workstations for which you defined the class forcing by setting JTOPTS WSCLASS. For example, to remove the workstation VIRT issue the command:
/F procname,RWSCLASS(VIRT)
RWSSYSAFF (wsname[:system])
Deletes a workstation or a single destination from the list of workstations where you forced the execution of z/OS jobs by setting JTOPTS WSSYSAFF(wsname:system.destination). The value system is optional, if you do not specify it the complete workstation definition is deleted.
For example, to delete the destination SYSB from the list of systems defined for the workstation VIRT, issue the following command:


Sets the SMOOTHCRITNET parameter in JTOPTS to YES, to prioritize the submission of operations belonging to the whole critical network.
Sets the SMOOTHCRITNET parameter in JTOPTS to NO.
Changes the value for the SMOOTHSUBRATE parameter in the JTOPTS statement. Valid values are in the range from 0 to 99999. 0 means that the SMOOTHSUBRATE parameter is not set.
Activates the smooth submission feature. To make it effective, run either a daily planning EXTEND or REPLAN.
Deactivates the smooth submission feature. To make it effective, run either a daily planning EXTEND or REPLAN.
SKIPINC(member name)
Replaces the currently used list of INCLUDEs that are to be left at the beginning of a JCL by the JCL tailoring process of Restart and Cleanup. member name can be:
  • The name of a member inside the PDS parameter library
  • Blank or absent

When a member name is specified, the current SKIPINCLUDE list is deleted and a new SKIPINCLUDE list is built by applying the syntax described for the RCLSKIP statement to the specified member. When no member name is specified, the current SKIPINCLUDE list is removed.

For details about RCLOPTS(SKIPINCLUDE), see RCLOPTS and about RCLSKIP, see RCLSKIP.

Sets a new value for the OPIADEP parameter of the JTOPTS statement.
Sets the new value of the STATIM keyword of the JTOPTS statement. Allowed values are 0 to 99.
Returns a message on the system log with the status of HCL Workload Automation for Z subsystem. The status can be one of the following:
Everything is active and is working properly.
The scheduler subsystem has limited functionality. For example, if a controller ER is stopped, the controller can still schedule jobs but cannot receive their statuses.
The major subsystem functionality is not available. For example, a controller is not able to execute a plan or to submit a job.
STATUS, DD=ddname
Checks for the status of HCL Workload Automation for Z data set associated with the specified ddname. ddname can be a specific DD name, such as EQQWSDS, EQQCP1DS, or EQQLTDS, or it can assume the value ALL, CP, DB, LTP, or JTL. It returns the return code of the last I/O operation performed on that ddname. The status of the data set can be one of the following:
STATUS, {OP_COMP | OP_ERR}, "destination name"
Returns the number of completed operations (OP_COMP) or the number of ended-in-error operations (OP_ERR) for the specified tracker (destination name).
  1. If more than one workstation is defined for tracker tracker name, the number of completed or in-error operations is the sum of the operations on all the workstations defined on that tracker.
  2. destination name is the destination name of a tracker, as specified in the ROUTOPTS keyword in the initialization statements.
Lists all subtasks with their statuses. The status can be ACTIVE or INACTIVE.
If the MLOG switching feature is in use, forces the switch to the alternate data set (EQQMLOG or EQQMLOG2), regardless of the number of currently logged records, and starts counting from 0 again.
Orders a standby controller to take over the functions of the controller. This command is valid only when both systems are part of the same XCF group, and no controller is active. You can use this command only for HCL Workload Automation for Z address spaces where OPCHOST(STANDBY) is specified in the OPCOPTS statement.
Note: Takeover can occur automatically if you have specified the TAKEOVER keyword in the XCFOPTS statement of a standby system.
TRYNOERR(member name)
Start a trial processing of the NOERROR statements contained in member name. The controller issues all the normal processing messages in EQQMLOG. At the end of the trial processing, the controller issues message EQQN099I, leaving unchanged the NOERROR table.

member name is a member of the EQQPARM library.

Starts a trace on the message log of all VSAM I/O requests. In a busy scheduler system, you will need a large message-log data set, and the trace will affect the performance of HCL Workload Automation for Z system.
Stops a VSAM I/O request trace on the message log.
Activates the STATMSG(WSATASK) message.
Deactivates the STATMSG(WSATASK) message.
After the STOP command is entered, the MODIFY command no longer functions, and issues the following message on SYSLOG: