Managing and securing file transfer between z-centric agents

With the File Transfer integration, you are granted a consolidated and coordinated approach to scheduling and automating transfer of files. The highlights of the integration are as follows:

  • A dashboard available on Automation Hub for monitoring file transfer operations
  • Completion time estimate
  • Parallel file transfer
  • Rerun from point of failure
  • Selective re-transfer
  • Improved multiple selection by using wildcards and regular expressions
  • File transfer status and details on files transferred
  • Post-processing of transferred files: delete, rename, move

The File Transfer process is a solution that completely integrates all of your file transfer processes within HCL Workload Automation for Z. With this method you transmit files to z-centric agents internally, without using third-party integrations. (For a detailed description about creating a file transfer job, see Automation Hub.)

On a Z system, the File Transfer process grants you protection over:
  • Communication between the agents and Z controller, through the File Transfer proxy.
  • Users submitting the File Transfer, through the reserved User Field SUBJOBUSER that you set at operation level.


Before you use the File Transfer integration, ensure that you have:
  • Installed and started the File Proxy. For detailed information, see Installing the File Proxy and Starting the File Proxy.
  • Set the FTPROXYHOST, FTPROXYPORT in the HTTPOPTS statement.
  • Enabled an SSL environment in the HTTPOPTS statement. The communication between the File Proxy and Z controller requires an SSL connection.
  • The SSL key ring containing as default certificate a certificate with a private key compatible with RSA signing algorithm (RSASSA-PKCS1-v1_5 using SHA-256). You can use either a SAF key ring or USS key store file. The default certificate private key is used to sign the authentication token. Key size must be greater than 2048.
    To generate and connect the default record key pair to your key ring:
    On SAF
    Use the RACDCERT GENCERT and RACDCERT CONNECT commands. For detailed information about RACDCERT, see the IBM z/OS Server Security RACF Command Language Reference manual.
    On USS
    Use the gskkyman utility.

Installing the File Proxy

To install the File Proxy in SSL mode, run the fileproxyinst script. The command is supported on the following operating systems:
  • Windows with hardware x86-64
  • Linux with hardware x86-64
  • Linux with hardware IBM z Systems

Log files produced by this command are located in data_dir/logs/. By default data_dir is installation_directory/FILEPROXYDATA.


Windows operating systems:
fileproxyinst.exe -acceptlicense yes [-lang language] -inst_dir installation_directory [-data_dir data_directory]
[-host hostname] [-sslport ssl_port_number] -sslfolder ssl_folder -sslpassword ssl_pwd
[-java_home java_home]
Linux64 and Linux for OS/390 operating systems:
./fileproxyinst -acceptlicense yes [-lang language] -inst_dir installation_directory [-data_dir data_directory]  
[-host hostname] [-sslport ssl_port_number] -sslfolder ssl_folder -sslpassword ssl_pwd
[-java_home java_home]


-acceptlicense yes|no
Required. Specify whether to accept the License Agreement. The default is no.
-lang language
Optional. The language in which the messages returned by the command are displayed. The default value is en_us.
-inst_dir installation_directory
Required. The directory of the File Proxy installation. The default value is the directory from which you start the command. Ensure that you have write access to this directory.
-data_dir data_dir
Optional. The directory where logs and configuration files are stored. The default value is installation_directory/FILEPROXYDATA. Ensure that you have write access to this directory.
-host hostname
Optional. The global, public host name of the workstation where you install the File Proxy or the IP address of the workstation.
-sslport ssl_port_number
Optional. The port to be used for secure communication. Supported values are integers between 1 and 65535. The default is 44444.
-sslfolder ssl_folder
Required. The name and path of the folder containing the certificates in PEM format. (For details about how to create the certificates, see Creating a Certificate Authority and generating certificates). It must contain the following files and folder:
  • ca.crt
  • tls.crt
  • tls.key
  • additionalCAs folder
Note: In the z/OS environment:
  • When you create the certificate authority by issuing the command ./openssl x509 -req -in tls.csr -CA ca.crt -CAkey ca.key -CAcreateserial -out tls.crt -days xxx, ensure that you set the appropriate number of days with the -days parameter. The default is 30.
  • The additionalCAs folder must contain the public key certificate or public certificate chain of the Z controller SSL keyring.
-sslpassword ssl_pwd
Required. The password to access the certificates.
-java_home java_home
Optional. The default value is the path to the .jre file provided with the product image.

Securing the file transfer with SSL mutual authentication

In the z/OS environment, you must secure the communication among the File Proxy, Z controller, and z-centric agents by performing the following steps:
  1. Import the ca.crt file to the SSL key ring or USS key store file of the Z controller.
  2. Import the ca.crt file and the public key certificate of the Z controller into the TWSClientKeyStoreJKS.jks and TWSClientKeyStore.kdb files of the z-centric agents.

Starting the File Proxy

To start the File Proxy in SSL mode, run the fileproxystart script. Use this script also to start the File Proxy in case it stops unexpectedly. This command is supported on the following operating systems:
  • Windows with hardware x86-64
  • Linux with hardware x86-64
  • Linux with hardware IBM z Systems

By default, log files produced by this command are located in data_dir/logs.


Windows operating systems:

Stopping the File Proxy

To stop the File Proxy, run the fileproxystop script. This command is supported on the following operating systems:
  • Windows with hardware x86-64
  • Linux with hardware x86-64
  • Linux with hardware IBM z Systems


Windows operating systems:

A user scenario

From the Dynamic Workload Console you create a File Transfer job whose connection protocol is Workstation to Workstation. In the job definition, you specify the following information:
  • Name of the File Transfer job (in this example, MYFILE)
  • Agent submitting the file transfer request (in this example, AGT1)
  • Destination agent where to transfer the file (in this example, AGT2)
When you save the job MYFILE, its job definition is stored in the Z controller JOBLIB.

On the Z controller, you define the operation related to the job MYFILE.

The occurrence is then added to the current plan and submitted as required.

The communication between the submitting agent, destination agent, and Z controller is always established through a proxy, as shown in Managed File Transfer communication flow.
Figure 1. Managed File Transfer communication flow
Arrow 1
The Z controller schedules the job MYFILE on AGT1.
Arrows 2 and 3
AGT1 sends a command request to AGT2 and asks for command verification to the Z controller through the File Proxy.
Arrow 4
The Z controller authorizes the command request towards AGT2.
Arrow 5
AGT2 sends the command data to AGT1 through the File Proxy. Communication between the agents is always performed through the proxy.

Securing the file transfer

You control the users who can submit a File Transfer job by setting the reserved User Field SUBJOBUSER at operation level (for more detailed information, see Normal production jobs). If you set SUBJOBUSER, its value is preferred over the job-submit exit EQQUX001.

To enable RACF security checks on the users submitting the File Transfer job, define the FT.WSNAME subresource in the AUTHDEF statement as follows:
For example, to authorize only user VALENTE to submit the File Transfer job on workstations AGT1 and AGT2, issue the following command:

If the security check detects an unauthorized user, the operation is set to Error with OSUB error code.

To control the users who can set the user field SUBJOBUSER, define the AD.UFVAL and CP.UFVAL subresources in the AUTHDEF statement as follows:
For example, to authorize only ROOT to set the user field SUBJOBUSER on operations in the current plan, issue the following command:
To authorize only RACFUSER to set the user field SUBJOBUSER on operations in the Application Description, issue the following command:

Unistalling the File Proxy

To uninstall the File Proxy, run the unistall script. This command is supported on the following operating systems:
  • Windows with hardware x86-64
  • Linux with hardware x86-64
  • Linux with hardware IBM z Systems

By default, log files produced by this command are located in data_dir/logs.


Windows operating systems:
uninstall.exe -inst_dir installation_directory [-lang language]
./uninstall -inst_dir installation_directory [-lang language]
-inst_dir installation_directory
is the directory where the File Proxy is installed.
-lang language
is the language in which the messages returned by the command are displayed.