Encrypting the password in DBOPT statement

About this task

To make the password set in the DBPSW parameter of the DBOPT statement not readable you can use either one of these three encrypting methods:
  • Write the password in plaintext in the DBPSW parameter. The first time you run the archiving process, the password is automatically encrypted.
  • Write the password in plaintext in the DBPSW parameter, and then encrypt it by submitting the EQQDBENC JCL, which in turn runs a stand-alone application that checks the validity of the statement and encrypts the password.
  • If you do not want to write the password in plaintext, you can set it already encrypted by running the shell command RunChangeEncryptPwd as follows:
     sh RunChangeEncryptPwd -c jarpath -d dataset -m membername -p pwd [-j javapath]
    where the parameters indicate the following:
    The complete path where the jar files are stored.
    The data set name of the parameter library.
    The member where the DBOPT statement is located.
    The password you are setting
    The complete path where IBM® SDK for z/OS® is stored.