Browsing operation information

When you use the advanced panels (see Panels Style), you can browse, in a single panel, all the information for an operation in your current plan. This browse panel removes the need to go to several different panels to obtain data such as operation status, dependencies, operation times, operation options, and resources.

To open the browsing panel, create a list of your operations as described in Creating a list of operations. From the list, select the operation you want to browse by entering either of the following:
Figure 1. EQQMOPRV - Enter forward slash to select an operation
  Action  View  Help

EQQMOPRV -----------------OPERATIONS IN THE CURRENT PLAN ---------------------
Command  ===> ______________________________________________Scroll ===> PAGE

    View: Compact (EQQMOPRT)        Row 1 of 22                            
Row  Application ID Operation          Input Arrival     Dep   Cond   Dep  SXU
cmd                 WS  No.  Jobname  Date     Time   Suc  Pre  Suc   Pre 
____ PAYDAILY      CPU3 040  IEFBR1R  11/05/24 18.00   1    1    0     0   E N
__/_ PAYDAILY      CPU3 060  IEFBR1R  11/05/25 18.00   0    1    0     1   C N
____ PAYDAILY      CPU1 010  IEFBR14  11/05/25 20.00   0    0    0     0   A N
____ PYWEEKLY      CPU3 060  IEFBR1R  11/05/25 18.00   0    1    0     0   R N

************************************ end of data ******************************
Figure 2. EQQSRCLP - Table Row Commands panel
EQQSRCLP                      TABLE ROW COMMANDS

Choose the numeric option of the following commands

                               Line 1 of 33
_B__ 1.  Browse details (B/S)
     2.  Modify (M)
     3.  Browse JCL (BJ)
     4.  Edit JCL (J)
     5.  Browse joblog (L)
     6.  Browse joblog via ITOM (LJ)
     7.  Browse operator instructions (O)
     8.  Recovery Info (RI)
     9.  Target Critical Job (TCJ)
     10.  Hold operation (MH)
     11. Release held operation (MR)
     12. NOP operation (NP)
     13. UN-NOP the operation (UN)
     14. EXECUTE operation (EX)
     15. Kill (K)
     16. Set NEXT logical status (N)
     17. Set specific status (N-x)
     18. Reset status (R)
     19. Set the operation to complete (C)
     20. Simple Job Restart (SJR)
     21. Attempt automatic recovery (ARC)
     22. Restart and CleanUp (RC)
     23. Fast path to run Job Restart (FJR)
     24. Fast path to run Step Restart (FSR)
     25. Fast path to Start Cleanup (FSC)
     26. Modify the occurrence (MOD)
     27. Rerun the occurrence (RER)
     28. Set the occurrence to complete (CMP)
     29. Set to wait all ops. of occ. (WOC)
     30. Delete Operation (D)
     31. Delete Occurrence (DEL)
     32. Complete the occurrence group (CG)
     33. Remove from group (RG)
     34. Delete the occurrence group (DG)
     35. Reset bind information (BND)
     36. Browse STEP LIST (BSL)

The browse panel, named OPERATION IN THE CURRENT PLAN, opens, as shown in EQQSOPSD - Operation in the Current Plan panel (showing main information). Scroll down to see all the operation details. The details are categorized into sections. Each section is prefixed by a code so that you can easily jump to the required section using the find command, without having to scroll through each section. For example, to quickly display the Dependencies section, type find DEP- at the command prompt.

Figure 3. EQQSOPSD - Operation in the Current Plan panel (showing main information)
  Action  Operation  Occurrence View  Help

EQQSOPSD ------------------ OPERATION IN THE CURRENT PLAN ------------------
Command  ===> ______________________________________________Scroll ===> PAGE

    View: Full (EQQSOPST)             Line 1 of 85                        >>
Jobname . . . . . : IEFBR1R
Operation . . . . : CPU3 060
Extended name . . :
User field  . . . :

Application . . . : PAYDAILY
Input Arrival . . : 11/05/25  18.00
Owner . . . . . . : PAYDEPT
Variable table  . :                       Calendar name . . : DEFAULT
Authority group . :                       Occurrence token  : C6064CEDBFCE5208

ST------------------------------Operation status ------------------------------
Status  . . . . . : E
RC  . . . . . . . : UNTV              Orig RC  :
Recovered by COND : N
Unexpected RC . . :
Figure 4. EQQSOPSD - Operation in the Current Plan panel (showing dependencies)
  Action  Operation  Occurrence View  Help

EQQSOPSD ------------------ OPERATION IN THE CURRENT PLAN ------------------
Command  ===> ______________________________________________Scroll ===> PAGE

    View: Full (EQQSOPST)             Line 13 of 85                       >>
Jobname . . . . . : IEFBR1R
Operation . . . . : CPU3 060
Jobid . . . . . . :                   Sdest :             Xdest : *******
  on Workstation  :

DEP-------------------------------- Dependencies -----------------------------

Predecessors . . . . . . .:            Successors . . . . . . . : 0
Conditional Predecessors  :            Conditional Successors . : 0

Predecessors and successors

Row  Type  Cond  Jobname    S  Operation                         Application ID
cmd        no.                 ws    no.   text
____  PC   400   SLDJOB     C  WS01  001                         APPLPRE
____  S          SLDJOB     X  WS01  002                         APPLLISAUF
Figure 5. EQQSOPSD - Operation in the Current Plan panel (showing user fields)
  Action  Operation  Occurrence View  Help

EQQSOPSD ------------------ OPERATION IN THE CURRENT PLAN --------------------
Command  ===> ______________________________________________Scroll ===> PAGE

    View: Full (EQQSOPST)             Line 66 of 97                       >>
Jobname . . . . . : IEFBR15
Operation . . . . : WS01 03
UF------------------------------ User Fields ----------------------------------

UFName                UF Value
                      --- + --- 1 --- + --- 2 --- + --- 3 --- + --- 4 --- + ---
adouser               adovalue
user001               123569885320466858441
usertemp              tempvalue311

SAUT---------------------------- Automation info -------------------------------
Command text

Automated Function :                  Security Element :

Completion Info
In addition to displaying all the information for the operation, the OPERATION IN THE CURRENT PLAN panel has a menu that provides you with a quick and efficient way to access other data or perform other tasks, such as creating operation user fields. The following sections describe the menu options.
Allows you to perform administration actions on the status of an operation. List of administrative tasks available from the Action menu shows a list of the possible actions.
Figure 6. List of administrative tasks available from the Action menu
  Action  Operation  Occurrence View  Help

____ 1.  Hold operation (MH)
     2.  Release held operation (MR)
     3.  NOP operation (NP)
     4.  UN-NOP the operation (UN)
     5.  EXECUTE operation (EX)
     6.  Reset bind information (BND)
     7.  Kill (K)
     8.  Set NEXT logical status (N)
     9.  Set specific status (N-x)
    10.  Reset status (R)
    11.  Set the operation to complete (C)
    12.  Simple Job Restart (SJR)
    13.  Attempt automatic recovery (ARC)
    14.  Restart and Cleanup (RC)
    15.  Fast path to run Job Restart (FJR)
    16.  Fast path to run Step Restart (FSR)
    17.  Fast path to Start Cleanup (FSC)
Alternatively, you can enter any of the commands (in parentheses) in the panel command line or in the Row cmd column of the OPERATIONS IN A CURRENT PLAN panel. The Primary commands section of the Help menu explains these commands.
Allows you to perform actions and commands to modify or browse either the properties of an operation or its JCL. List of operation actions available from the Operation menu shows a list of the possible actions and commands.
Figure 7. List of operation actions available from the Operation menu
  Action  Operation  Occurrence View  Help

____  1. Modify (M)
      2. Browse JCL (JB)
      3. Edit JCL (J)
      4. Browse joblog (L)
      5. Browse joblog via ITOM (LJ)
      6. Browse operation instructions (O)
      7  Recovery Info (RI)
      8. Target Critical Job (TCJ)
      9. Immediate predecessor and successor information (DEP)
     10. List of resources used by the operation (SR=)
     11. All dependencies of this operation (ADEP)
Alternatively, you can enter any of the commands (in parentheses) in the panel command line or in the Row cmd column of the OPERATIONS IN A CURRENT PLAN panel. The Primary commands section of the Help menu explains these commands.
Allows you to perform actions and commands to modify or browse the application that contains the operation. List of operation actions available from the Occurrence menu shows a list of the possible actions and commands.
Figure 8. List of operation actions available from the Occurrence menu
  Action  Operation  Occurrence View  Help

_____ 1. Modify the occurrence (MOD)
      2. Rerun the occurrence (RER)
      3. Set the occurrence to complete (CMP)
      4. Set to wait all ops. of occ. (WOC)
      5. Complete the occurrence group (CG)
      6. Remove from group (RG)
      7. Detailed application occurrence information (OCC)
      8. Operations of the application occurrence (OPER)
      9. Immediated external dependencies of the occurence (OCCDEP)
Alternatively, you can enter any of the commands (in parentheses) in the panel command line or in the Row cmd column of the OPERATIONS IN A CURRENT PLAN panel. The Primary commands section of the Help menu explains these commands.
Allows you to change the view of the information for the operation. The full view provides more extensive data than the shortened, compact view. The name of the template the panel is using is displayed next to the name of the view. There is a different template for each type of view of each type of advanced panel.
Provides general help and defines all the primary commands. Alternatively, you can enter HELP in the command line or press PF key 1 for the same information.