Adding and removing dependencies

How to add or remove dependencies using the Dynamic Workload Console.

Before you begin

To perform this task, ensure the HCL Workload Automation engine connection is up and running.

About this task

To manage objects in the database, open the Workload Definitions section from the navigation bar by clicking Design>Manage Workload Definitions.

Adding a dependency

About this task

To add a dependency, from the Workload Designer, perform the following steps:


  1. Open the job stream to which you want to add a dependency or the job stream containing the job to which you want to add a dependency. To find the job stream, do either of the following actions:
    • Search for it using the Search menu in the Working List
    • Select the job stream icon Job stream icon and launch a search.
  2. You can now work on the job stream by using either the Details or the Graphical view. Select the tab for the view you want.
    • From the Details view, by using the menus, do the following steps:
      1. Right-click the job or job stream and select Add Dependencies from the context menu or select the object and choose an option from the Select an Action menu.
      2. From the context menu, select the type of dependency you want to add.
      3. From the Search panel, search for the required object and add it to the job or job stream.
    • From the Graphical view, do either of the following actions:
      • by using the menus, do the following steps:
        1. Right-click the job or job stream and select Add Dependencies from the context menu or select the object and choose an option from the Select an Action menu.
        2. From the context menu, select the type of dependency you want to add.
        3. From the Search panel, search for the required object and add it to the job or job stream.
      • by using the toolbar, do the following steps:
        1. Select the create dependency icon Create dependency icon .
        2. Draw a line from the dependency to the job or job stream that must depend on it. You can use this tool to create dependencies only between objects displayed in the view.

What to do next

Note: If you add a dependency to a job or job stream after it has completed, it is not evaluated. However, any subsequent reruns of the job or job stream will process the dependency correctly.

Removing a dependency

About this task

From the Workload Designer, you can remove a dependency in either of the following ways:


  • From the Details view, click the remove icon Remove icon at the end of the dependency row.
  • From the Graphical View, select the dependency by clicking the node (if it is an external dependency) or by right-clicking the arrow. When the arrow you want to remove is highlighted, click the remove icon Remove icon on the toolbar or from the context menu. If an object has multiple dependencies, click it again until the arrow you want to remove is highlighted.