Defining a z/OS engine in the Z connector

To define a z/OS engine, perform the following steps.

This picture describes the steps required for installing the Dynamic Workload Console. You are now at step 5: defining a z/OS engine in Z connector.
  1. Browse to the connectionFactory.xml template, which is located in:
    On Windows operating systems
    On UNIX operating systems
    On z/OS operating systems
  2. Copy the connectionFactory.xml template to a temporary directory.

    On z/OS system, it is required that you copy the file on your local workstation in binary mode.

  3. Edit the file as necessary, specifying the connection details.
  4. Optionally, create a backup copy of the configuration file in a different directory, if the file is already present.
  5. Copy the edited connectionFactory.xml file to the following path:
    On Windows operating systems
    On UNIX operating systems
    On z/OS operating systems
    Ensure that you copy the file in binary mode. <DWC_DATA_dir>/usr/servers/dwcServer/configDropins/overrides.
    Changes are immediately effective.
  6. Replicate the change on all Dynamic Workload Console instances in the domain.
The contents of the connectionFactory.xml file, as it is created in the zconnectors folder at installation time, is as follows:
<server description="zonnector_configuration">
        <connectionFactory id="$(zconnName)"
        <properties.ZOSConnectorAdapter hostName="$(zconnHostName)"
where you specify:
The host name or TCP/IP address of the remote z/OS system where the HCL Workload Automation for Z controller is installed.
The TCP/IP port that is used to communicate with the z/OS system that is used to communicate with the Z controller. This is the value specified in the SRVPORTNUMBER parameter of the TCOPTS statement in the server started task.
Set true to enable the SSL communication between the Z connector and the remote z/OS system, or false to disable the property. This property is optional. The default is false.
The connection timeout cleanup for the z/OS connection.
Note: In the file located in <INSTALL_DIR>\usr\servers\dwcServer\resources\properties, set the name of the host where you installed the Dynamic Workload Console as follows: