This menu provides the following commands:
- Command
- Description
- Open
- Opens a window from which you can select the file or directory whose version tree you want to view. The Version Tree Browser can display any file or directory that has been checked in to a VOB at least once.
- Send To
- Supports the Windows Send To feature.
- Page Setup
- Opens the Page Setup window, in which you can adjust the scale of the printed version tree; add an optional title to the printed output; or choose to print the entire version tree or only as much as can fit on one page.
- Print Setup
- Allows you to configure printer options for any printer that is set up on your machine.
- Print Preview
- Shows how the version tree will look when you print it.
- Opens the Print window, from which you can print the version tree to a printer or to a file.
- 1, 2, 3, 4
- Lists previously visited elements. Click to return to one.
- Exit
- Closes the Version Tree Browser.