Merge type
This criterion shows the attribute that indicates the level of difficulty of the merge.
- Trivial
A merge in which the base contributor and the contributor to which you are merging are the same or have no other contributors.
- Nontrivial
Indicates that two or more contributors differ from the base contributor. This merge is one of the following:
- Automatic
The source and destination versions of the element do not contain conflicts and can be merged without your intervention. This can be done only if the source and destination versions of the element do not contain conflicts. You are informed of any conflicts.
- Manual
The source and destination versions of the element contain one or more conflicts that you must resolve with Diff Merge. In a manual merge, Diff Merge starts to let you inspect each change and not use the automatic merge.
- Automatic
To discover whether the nontrivial merge is automatic or manual, the merge itself must be attempted.