To use omake from Visual C++
About this task
Follow this procedure to use omake from Visual C++:
Set up the HCL
VersionVault Add-In for Visual
C++ (more information is available on setting up the add-in for Visual C++).
- Configure omake for Visual C++ (more information
is available on configuring omake for Visual C++).
Click VersionVault
Build on the VersionVault Add-In
Attention: To build a project, always use the VersionVault Build toolbar button, not the
omake command on the Tools menu. The VersionVault Build toolbar button creates the appropriate
environment and then starts the HCL
omake tool that you have defined to build your project. The
omake command on the Tools menu is necessary for the
VersionVault Build toolbar button to work.
However, carrying out the command starts omake without first creating the
appropriate environment. As a result, you may build the project with an incorrect
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