To configure omake for Visual C++
- Set up the HCL
VersionVault add-in.
More information is available about setting up the HCL
VersionVault add-in
for Visual C++.
- If you use Windows 95 or Windows 98, open a command
window and enter
(you may enter this command
from any directory or drive). - In Visual C++, click .
- In the Customize winbdow, click the Tools tab.
- On the Tools page, click New to
create a new command. Name the new command omake.
- In the Command field, type
- In the Arguments field, type
the following line:
-EN -s -f "$(WkspDir)\$(WkspName).mak"
- In the Initial Directory field,
type the following text:
- Select Use Output Window.
- In the Customize window, click Close.
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